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Contests & Winners / Congratulations to Tourism Ireland's webinar winner!
A lucky winner of a Waterford Crystal Vase!

We are so happy to announce Tourism Ireland’s webinar winner! Thank you so much to all the amazing travel agents who attended the "5,000 Years of Ireland" webinar.
If you have any further questions, please contact:
• Sandra Mofatt, Tourism Ireland SMoffatt@tourismireland.com
• Roisin Collins, Tourism Ireland RCollins@tourismireland.com
• OPW Heritage Services - Aisling Heffernan aisling.heffernan@opw.ie
• King of the Vikings Waterford - Eamonn McEneaney emceneaney@waterfordcouncil.ie
• Hillsborough Castle and Gardens - Alan Greer Alan.Greer@hrp.org.uk
Missed the webinar? You can watch the recording here.
Winner: Linda Schulz from TPI
Congratulations Linda on your new Waterford Crystal Vase!
If you didn't win, no worries..we have new contests and webinars weekly so make sure to check our Contest Page and Upcoming Webinars for more opportunities!