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Tourism Industry Association of Canada
The most up-to-date information to help businesses navigate this difficult time

Click here for further TIAC updates.

Important Notice

Thank you for your continued readership of TIAC’s COVID-19 updates. As the pandemic’s effect on our economy and way of life continues, TIAC continues to adapt its communication channels to keep the industry up-to-date with relevant information and announcements that are critical for businesses across the sector. As a reminder, COVID-19 updates will now be sent twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday. Should pressing announcements or government updates happen on other days, TIAC will issue special releases to your inbox with the pertinent information.


Please find the latest update on official announcements and a recap of TIAC’s advocacy work on behalf of their members:


June 16-17, 2020:

Special Notice to Industry - #TourismCounts!

For several years the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) has used the hashtag, campaign name and domain names #TourismMatters and TourismMatters.ca. In recent weeks, well deserved and long overdue attention has come to the campaign of Black Lives Matter. This is a campaign to end systemic racism and a call for allies to speak up. Tourism supports this fight for equality and to end racism. To demonstrate our support and respect for Black Lives Matter, and to avoid confusion and potential misalignment, TIAC is retiring their domain name use of ‘matters’. We call on all Canadians to unite and fight racism. As of today, TIAC social media and campaign slogan shifts to #TourismCounts.


TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• The TIAC President & CEO held a meeting on June 16 with ISED Associate Deputy Minister Paul Thompson           • The President continues to emphasize TIAC’s latest #TourismCounts campaign with a push for a more cohesive recovery and economic reopening plan • This Sunday, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day - a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Let us join together on June 21st, to respect, learn and appreciate Indigenous culture and enjoy the summer solstice; the longest day of the year           • As Canada’s tourism sector begins the process of reopening, rebuilding and recovering, it is vital that government supports the sustainability of Indigenous tourism businesses and the associations across Canada who are contributing to business growth and success. For more information on the Tourism Recovery Plan please click here           • For more information on supporting indigenous tourism businesses as we move through recovery, please visit indigenoustourism.ca and view their "Virtually Yours" campaign which highlights Indigenous peoples from across Canada: vimeo.com • TIAC partners at TourismHR Canada have launched the COVID-19 Tourism Workforce Impact Survey           • If you are a business owner in TIAC's sector, please take a few minutes to help collect this important information on how COVID-19 impacts you and your employees – click here


Government Announcements

• On June 17, the government announced that they will update the country on the state of government finances on July 8           • TIAC will closely monitor this fiscal and economic snapshot, and its implication on our industry • On June 16, the Prime Minister confirmed recent rumours that the US/Canada border closure will be extended by 30 days to July 21, 2020. This was first reported in Reuters last week, and TIAC has been closely monitoring the situation • The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will be extended for an additional 8 weeks. This is for Canadians who are currently receiving the CERB, and still can’t get back to work. The Prime Minister also confirmed that the government will no longer be moving forward on attestations from CERB applicants that they are trying to get back to work


In Case You Missed It …

• TIAC has launched a new letter writing campaign, and they need your help reaching politicians across Canada to send the message that #TourismCounts and we need support now           • Visit TourismCounts.ca and click “Send Your Letter” to ask your MP to support the tourism industry through COVID-19 recovery efforts           • TIAC asks business leaders to also encourage their staff and suppliers to send a letter as well – TIAC needs everyone to lend a voice to their message! • The Government of Canada has announced applications are open for the Enabling Accessibility Fund – which aims to create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, or to access employment           • Workplace project applications must aim at removing barriers and increasing accessibility and/or safety in facilities where persons with disabilities work or could work in the future           • If you would like to apply for funding or learn more about EAF funding opportunities underway, please visit the EAF funding webpage


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


June 11-15, 2020:

Special Notice to Industry - #TourismCounts!

For several years the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) has used the hashtag, campaign name and domain names #TourismMatters and TourismMatters.ca. In recent weeks, well deserved and long overdue attention has come to the campaign of Black Lives Matter. This is a campaign to end systemic racism and a call for allies to speak up. Tourism supports this fight for equality and to end racism. To demonstrate our support and respect for Black Lives Matter, and to avoid confusion and potential misalignment, TIAC is retiring their domain name use of ‘matters’. We call on all Canadians to unite and fight racism. As of today, TIAC social media and campaign slogan shifts to #TourismCounts.


TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• The TIAC President & CEO has been hard at work promoting TIAC’s Recovery Plan through both media interviews and government meetings the last week           • Highlight’s include appearances on CBC’s the Current, and travel-trade publication Canadian Travel Press           • TIAC’s President & CEO has been highlighting the plan’s safety first emphasis, and the need to support businesses through the transition back to regular business activities.           • The full recovery plan can be found here • The latest Twenty31 State of Tourism Dashboard is available now on the TIAC website           • Note: This is the last weekly version of the tourism dashboard as TIAC transition to a monthly release           • This report is made possible with Canadian Experience Fund funding • The Government of Canada has announced applications are open for the Enabling Accessibility Fund – which aims to create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, or to access employment           • Workplace project applications must aim at removing barriers and increasing accessibility and/or safety in facilities where persons with disabilities work or could work in the future • If you would like to apply for funding or learn more about EAF funding opportunities underway, please visit the EAF funding webpage


Government Announcements

• Last week, the Government of Canada (via the Prime Minister and Minister Joly) announced $133 million supporting indigenous businesses, including $16 million earmarked for Indigenous businesses in tourism – a big win for the indigenous tourism sector and partners at ITAC, and an early win from the TIAC Recovery Plan • On Friday, the government announced that all air travelers and staff are now required to wear masks while travelling at all times           • Airlines will be mandating temperature screening for air passengers in a phased approach           • Passengers with a fever will not be permitted to board, and staff will also be required to participate in government mandated temperature checks           • Details on the plan and roll out can be found here • On June 15, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that changes will be made to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), by extending support for Canadians in need. More details are expected later this week • In Quebec, the government announced late last week that $750M will be earmarked to help Quebec tourism businesses           • Of these funds, $446M will be used to create a loan program for tourism businesses • On May 28, the Ontario Government enacted a new Regulation under the EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT regarding Infectious Disease Emergency Leave as a result of COVID19           • This new Regulation covers leave beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on the date that is six weeks after the day that the emergency declared by Order in Council 518/2020 (Ontario Regulation 50/20) on March 17, 2020 pursuant to section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act is terminated or disallowed • TIAC advises businesses to consult with their HR professional or legal counsel to obtain proper advice on interpreting the new regulation. The new Regulation can be found here: ontario.ca


In Case You Missed It …

• TIAC has launched a new letter writing campaign, and TIAC needs your help reaching politicians across Canada to send the message that #TourismCounts and we need support now           • Visit TourismCounts.ca and click “Send Your Letter” to ask your MP to support the tourism industry through COVID-19 recovery efforts           • TIAC asks business leaders to also encourage their staff and suppliers to send a letter as well – we all need to come together as one industry to ensure our voice is heard loud and clear!


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia

June 9-10, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC has launched a new letter writing campaign, and we need your help reaching politicians across Canada to send the message that #TourismMatters and we need support now           • Visit TourismMatters.ca and click 'Send Your Letter' to ask your MP to support the tourism industry through COVID-19 recovery efforts           • TIAC asks business leaders to also encourage their staff and suppliers to send a letter as well – every voice counts! • On Monday evening, TIAC, in coordination with a large contingency of industry stakeholders and many provincial partners, sent letters to all Canadian provincial and territorial Premiers and Ministers responsible for tourism           • The letters stressed the importance of a cooperative approach between federal and provincial governments to take immediate steps to coordinate and facilitate the restart of Canada's visitor economy           • The letter was signed by many organizations including TIAC, Canadian Gaming Association, BC Chamber of Commerce, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, International Air Transport Association, InnVest Hotels, Marriott Hotels of Canada/Marriott International, Tourism Toronto, Toronto Board of Trade, TIABC, Fogo Island Inn, Hotel Association of Canada, Porter Airlines, Business Council of Canada, Transat A.T Inc., Tourisme Montréal, Greater Montreal Chamber of Commerce, Germain Hotels, Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums, Canadian Airports Council, Accor, National Airlines Council of Canada, Meetings Mean Business Canada, Association of Canadian Travel Agencies, Chorus Aviation Inc., Rocky Mountaineer, Air Canada and WestJet


Government Announcements

• On Tuesday, the Prime Minister announced that the government will be shifting its focus when it comes to existing COVID-19 support programs, and that changes will be coming in the coming weeks and months to reflect the changing situation • The first step in this process will be recalling the House of Commons to debate and vote on a bill that amends the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and implement fines and jail times for fraudulent claims           • The Prime Minister underscored that mistaken claims made in good faith are not intended to be included in the legislation. Rather, this is intended for intentional fraudsters taking advantage of the program • Finally, the Prime Minister announced that small businesses who need help with aid programs or to speak with an accountant or small business advisor can call: 1-866-989-1080


In Case You Missed It …

• On Friday June 5, TIAC launched their plan for industry recovery and government advocacy campaign – TIAC’s Press Conference on the recovery plan can be viewed on our Facebook page • The latest Twenty31 industry dashboard report is available now on the TIAC website – ‘State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19’ Dashboard • TIAC partners at Destination Canada (DC) have announced June 11th 2020, 9:00 a.m. PST/12 p.m. EST as the date of their next webinar           • DC’s Business Events team is hosting a one-hour moderated panel with key US and international corporate meeting, association conferences and incentive trip buyers to discuss the future of international business events           • Sign up details and previous webinars can be found here


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

June 4-8, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On June 5, TIAC President and CEO held an online press conference to official launch TIAC's industry recovery plan, outlining TIAC’s immediate, short and long-term goals to help businesses succeed in COVID-19 recovery           • You can view the recovery document here           • Industry can get involved by sending a letter to their MP with the TourismMatters.ca letter writing tool • TIAC partners at Destination Canada (DC) have announced June 11th 2020, 9:00 a.m. PST/12 p.m. EST as the date of their next webinar           • DC’s Business Events team is hosting a one-hour moderated panel with key US and international corporate meeting, association conferences and incentive trip buyers to discuss the future of international business events           • Sign up details and previous webinars can be found here • For industry businesses with particular interest in the meetings and conventions sector, TIAC partner Meetings Mean Business Canada has launched a new newsletter “Rally for Recovery” for COVID-19 related updates           • Sign up for their newsletter on their website • TIAC has received confirmation that GoMedia 2020, which was to take place this fall in Victoria, British Columbia, is now cancelled           • Those who had registered should watch their emails for further details on refunds and other event notices • On June 5, TIAC’s Vice President Stakeholder Relations and Business Development participated in a regular call with ISED ADM Paul Thompson, where he briefed the department on TIAC’s recovery plan launch and the need for continued support of the industry • The latest Twenty31 industry dashboard report is available now on the TIAC website – ‘State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19’ Dashboard


Government Announcements

• With the acknowledgement that cases of COVID-19 are decreasing across the country, last week the federal government announced that they are ready to contribute $14 billion to provinces and territories for a safe restart, known as the Safe Restart Agreement           • This includes more PPE for healthcare workers and businesses, ensuring children and seniors are protected, paid sick leave for workers with no benefits, and support for municipalities and transit           • TIAC continues to monitor government guidelines for safe reopening, and pushing for Canada-wide standards, especially toward large gatherings • On June 8, TTIAC saw the first moves towards reopening international borders, with the federal government announcing a limited exemption that will allow immediate family members of citizens or permanent residents of Canada - mainly spouses and parents of minor children - to cross the border           • Every person entering Canada will have to self-isolate for 14 days, and the Minister of Immigration emphasized that travel is still not permitted for simply leisure purposes • On June 8, Minister Joly announced an additional $50 million in funding to small and medium sized businesses in Montreal in an effort to help them survive the COVID-19 pandemic through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)


In Case You Missed It …

• On June 5, TIAC launched our plan for industry recovery and government advocacy campaign – send a letter to your MP today to tell them #TourismMatters to you!           • TIAC’s Press Conference on the recovery plan can be viewed on TIAC Facebook page


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC wants to recognize the municipality of Vaughan, who’s hospitality sector has stepped up to meet the needs of the community and provide essential services. In addition to being open to front-line workers or operating as Designated Isolation Sites for those in need, hotels have also been assisting homeless shelters in the region and long-term care homes by providing food, toiletries, linens, and other items to help keep vulnerable populations safe. You can learn more about this initiative here.

Thank you to Ashley Travassos from Tourism Vaughan for sharing this story with TIAC.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

June 2-3, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC has been busy planning for the release of our industry recovery advocacy plan, which will be launched on Friday June 5th           • Look out for a special release with TIAC official document. Visit Tourismmatters.ca on Friday for details on how to participate in a letter writing campaign to help spread the message to your local MPs! • On June 1st, the Honourable Navdeep Bains announced the members of the Industry Strategy Council, including Destination Canada Board chair Ben Cowan-Dewar representing the tourism sector and Sylvie Vachon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Montreal Port Authority representing the Transportation sector The Council will hold virtual meetings every two weeks over the next 90 days           • Details can be found here • On June 1st, TIAC’s President and CEO participated in a call with other industry stakeholders in Canada’s Tourism Roundtable to discuss ongoing efforts to increase government dialogue on a plan for reopening the visitor economy and borders to tourism activity • On June 1st in the Senate National Finance Committee, Senator Duncan (Yukon) highlighted the need for more government dialogue and support for Canada’s tourism industry


Government Announcements

• The Ministry of Finance is seeking public input on the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program from Canadian employers – submissions are due on Friday June 5           • TIAC encourages all industry businesses to take the time to fill out the consultation form, and emphasize the industry’s ongoing need for wage support while businesses try to reopen their doors with fewer financial resources this year • Recordings of all of TIAC’s Virtual Town Hall sessions can be found on the TIAC website • The latest Twenty31 'State of Tourism' Dashboard is available now on the TIAC Website • Parks Canada announced its participation in rent relief to align with the Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program           • Parks Canada will be contacting all holders of commercial leases and licences of occupation in national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas to provide details on this additional relief being provided by the government           • Information will also be made available soon on the Parks Canada website. Please visit pc.gc.ca regularly for updates


In Case You Missed It …

• Recordings of all of TIAC’s Virtual Town Hall sessions can be found on the TIAC website tiac-aitc.ca • The latest Twenty31 'State of Tourism' Dashboard is available now on the TIAC Website • The Ministry of Finance is seeking public input on the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program from Canadian employers           • TIAC encourages all industry businesses to take the time to fill out the consultation form, and emphasize the industry’s ongoing need for wage support while businesses try to reopen their doors with fewer financial resources this year


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

June 1, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC was pleased to see $70M dedicated to federal support programs funded through Regional Development Agencies as well as Destination Canada yesterday. As TIAC has been advocating for DMO support for several weeks, TIAC believes these announcements are a step in the right direction in addressing a significant gap as well as providing domestic marketing funds managed through Destination Canada. With more announcements yet to come, TIAC continues to advocate the need for additional support for the entire visitor economy, including much-needed recovery programs           • TIAC advocates for support for all sectors of the tourism eco-system, including Canada's Indigenous Tourism businesses. TIAC hopes to see further announcements for funding programs supporting Indigenous tourism businesses now and into recovery • On June 1, Parks Canada announced its participation in rent relief to align with the Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program           • Parks Canada will be contacting all holders of commercial leases and licences of occupation in national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas to provide details on this additional relief being provided by the government           • Information will also be made available soon on the Parks Canada website. Please visit pc.gc.ca regularly for updates • TIAC will be launching its Industry Leaders Recovery Committee recommendations for government support later this week, addressing immediate, short and long-term needs. Stay tuned for TIAC updates and social media for further details • For the Ontario readers, Ontario’s Finance Committee will be studying the impacts of COVID-19, starting with the tourism sector


Government Announcements

• In case you missed it, over the weekend, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, the Hon. Melanie Joly, announced $70 million in dedicated funds for tourism in Canada           • $30 million of funding will flow through Destination Canada as funding originally earmarked for international tourism marketing being repurposed for domestic tourism marketing           • The remainder of the funds will be allocated via other previously announced envelopes and will be administered via Regional Development Agencies in Ontario and Western Canada. Further funding announcements are forthcoming for Quebec and the Atlantic provinces • On June 1, the Prime Minister reiterated that the federal government will be a partner for Provinces and Territories in their reopening process           • He announced the first step in this support for municipalities: the federal government will be accelerating this year’s Gas Tax payments to municipalities, and will be making the entire $2.2 billion payment available to municipalities now instead of through bi-annual payments • The Prime Minister also addressed the ongoing anti-racism demonstrations south of the border. He acknowledged Canada’s own peaceful protests that took place over the weekend in solidarity with Americans, and reaffirmed that racism and discrimination have no place in Canada and that we need to continue to build a better and more equal country for all


In Case You Missed It …

• Recordings of all of TIAC’s Virtual Town Hall sessions can be found on the TIAC website tiac-aitc.ca • The latest Twenty31 'State of Tourism' Dashboard is available now on the TIAC Website • The Ministry of Finance is seeking public input on the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program from Canadian employers           • TIAC encourages all industry businesses to take the time to fill out the consultation form, and emphasize the industry’s ongoing need for wage support while businesses try to reopen their doors with fewer financial resources this year


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 29, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• The Ministry of Finance is seeking public input on the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program from Canadian employers           • TIAC encourages all industry businesses to take the time to fill out the consultation form, and emphasize the industry’s ongoing need for wage support while businesses try to reopen their doors with fewer financial resources this year • TIAC’s Vice-President, Stakeholder Relations and Business Development joined a regular call with ISED ADM, Paul Thompson, where he emphasized TIAC’s call for tourism-specific recovery support, as well as continued need for funding access           • An update was also given on industry questions and concerns raised during TIAC’s virtual town halls held this week with industry stakeholders in Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario • TIAC’s President and CEO spoke with the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages’ office on May 28 to discuss Canada’s Tourism Roundtable request for dialogue on reopening the visitor economy           • The letter, signed in collaboration with many industry organizations, can be read here • The President and CEO also spoke with NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and NDP Tourism Critic Gord Johns on the state of the industry and the need to support the sector’s immediate needs for liquidity and dialogue on reopening the visitor economy • On May 28, Transport Canada announced that restrictions on large passenger vessels and cruise ships will be extended until at least October 31, 2020           • Details can be found here


Government Announcements

• On May 28, the Prime Minister reiterated that the federal government has been working with provinces and territories to keep Canadians safe throughout this crisis           • Government discussions will continue to ensure that as we enter the recovery phase, every employee will have ten days of paid sick leave per year • The Prime Minister announced $650 million to support Indigenous communities including health care, income assistance and shelters • As shared above, the Prime Minister announced the decision with Minister Garneau that large cruise ships will not be allowed in Canadian waters until at least October 31, 2020 • Airline refunds were also addressed in this morning’s press conference, with the Prime Minister saying we will continue to work with the industry and with concerned Canadians to ensure we find a fair way through this, while ensuring we have an airline industry to come back to after this difficult pandemic           • The government is looking at what other airline companies are doing around the world and will have more to say in the coming weeks


In Case You Missed It …

• It’s Tourism Week! Find messaging, social media materials and more at tourismmatters.ca • TIAC’s last Virtual Town Hall with Travel Alberta was hosted May 27 afternoon – wrapping up an important week of dialogue with stakeholders during our three Virtual Town Halls • Recordings of all Town Hall sessions can be found on the TIAC website


Resources for Businesses

• MPI has created a coronavirus resource page that pulls together meetings and events info and also links to several other resources helpful to the Business Events portion of our sector • The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Tourism Hamilton and their latest page entitled “9 Inspiring Acts on Generosity”. This page recognizes how Hamilton’s tourism and hospitality partners have stepped up to help the community during this challenging time. You can read these inspiring stories here.

Thanks to Dana from Tourism Hamilton for reaching out to TIAC and sharing your story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 28, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC hosted their final Virtual Tourism Town Hall of Tourism Week today with the partners at Travel Alberta and Destination Canada           • A recording of May 28th session will be available online on May 29           • Recordings of their earlier Virtual Town Hall sessions for Manitoba and Ontario can be found on the TIAC Website here • TIAC is pleased to announce their participation in a coalition of tourism sector organizations, as well as Boards of Trade, and the national Chamber of Commerce, asking the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, to open dialogue with the industry to discuss re-opening the travel economy responsibly and thoughtfully together           • The letter can be viewed here


Government Announcements

• No significant update to report


In Case You Missed It …

• It’s Tourism Week! Find messaging, social media materials and more at tourismmatters.ca


Resources for Businesses

• The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has begun releasing Global Safety Protocols for reopening with the ‘new normal’ in mind • Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 26, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC hosted and participated in our first Tourism Town Hall of Tourism Week with more than 200 tourism businesses across Manitoba. This engaging session highlighted the efforts of a number of tourism associations working with the federal and provincial governments to get support for tourism businesses. TIAC would like to thank their panelists, our local partner Travel Manitoba, sponsors and industry participants for their time and engaging questions during this first virtual town hall session!           • A recording of May 26 session can be found here           • TIAC's next virtual Tourism Town Hall is tomorrow in Ontario from 1:00-3:00 pm EST. You can register here • TIAC’s President and CEO participated in a regular call with ISED ADM Paul Thompson, where they discussed Tourism Week, current state of support programs and TIAC’s forthcoming recommendations to aide in sector recovery phase.


Government Announcements

• On May 26, the Prime Minister announced that the Government of Canada is extending the deployment of Canada’s Armed Forces in Ontario and Quebec due to a request from the two provinces • The Prime Minister announced that funding will be made available to create 700 new youth jobs in the agriculture industry to help support farmers as they work to provide food amidst the increased demand from Canadians during the pandemic • The Prime Minister also announced new contracts with General Motors to produce 10 million face masks, and with other organizations to develop new and improved testing kits and an additional 10,000 ventilators. This is in addition to the 40 planes of PPE equipment that has arrived in Canada over the last 10 weeks • Finally, the Prime Minister announced he will be convening a meeting with UN officials and other dignitaries from Jamaica and countries around the world to discuss shared strategies to support the global economy and the importance of global cooperation during the pandemic


In Case You Missed It …

• It’s Tourism Week! Find messaging, social media materials and more at tourismmatters.ca • The latest edition of Twenty31’s industry dashboard is now available on the TIAC website           • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund funding • The Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program portal has opened for applications. As part of this program, property owners will reduce rent by at least 75% for the months of April, May and June (retroactively). CECRA will cover 50% of the rent, with tenants paying up to 25%. As always, TIAC asks industry stakeholders to share their experiences in accessing this and other programs to enable them to better advocate on your behalf


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Amy from Moonstone Creation in Calgary, Alberta. Amy, a Métis artist who runs a Native Gallery and Gift Shop and is an active member of the indigenous tourism sector. Amy is helping businesses in her neighbourhood by creating non-medical masks. Amy’s small business employs her mother and son’s grandmother as an onsite artisan, and the shop is currently open for curbside pick-ups.

Thank you to Kim Gray from Toque and Canoe for nominating Amy and sharing this story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 25, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• This week marks the beginning of Tourism Week where TIAC will be co-hosting Town Hall Meetings in Manitoba, Ontario and Alberta where TIAC will discuss the state of tourism in Canada and TIAC’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry • The first virtual Tourism Town Hall for Manitoba businesses takes place tomorrow (May 26) from 9:00 – 10:30 am Central – register now! • On May 25, the government announced that applications are open for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) – you can find more details below in Government Announcements           • The latest issue of the Twenty31 tourism sector dashboard is now available on the TIAC website


Government Announcements

• On May 25, the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program portal has opened for applications. As part of this program, property owners will reduce rent by at least 75% for the months of April, May and June (retroactively). CECRA will cover 50% of the rent, with tenants paying up to 25% • Further, the government announced they will be launching a phone line with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce for small businesses to gain access to an accountant or financial support for questions. Details to come • Newfoundland Premier, Dwight Ball, announced $25 million to assist eligible tourism and hospitality-based operators impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic           • Under the ‘Tourism and Hospitality Support Program’, eligible small and medium sized operators will be able to apply for a onetime, non-repayable contribution of either $5,000 or $10,000, dependent on gross sales           • Program details will be posted in the coming days, here gov.nl.ca. Eligible businesses will be able to apply as of June 8th • In British Columbia, the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture was involved in an announcement today that 59 B.C. community DMOs severely impacted by COVID-19 will be supported with a $10 million grant from the province           • The funding is aimed to help DMOs retain crucial staff positions and offset fixed expenses


In Case You Missed It …

• It’s Tourism Week! Find messaging, social media materials and more at tourismmatters.ca


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Experience PEI, a family-owned company that provides hands-on cultural experiences to tourists during the summer season in Prince Edward Island. This year, they are turning their normally hands on experiences virtually through PEI in a Box – a unique gift box that showcases local gifts from many businesses that shares a bit of PEI with anyone who orders one. The company uses 75% sustainable packaging, and in addition to supporting 6-8 local businesses with each purchase, $5 of each sale goes to the Upper Room Foodbank in Charlottetown. Check out the initiative here.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 22, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On May 22, TIAC participated in a regularly scheduled call with ISED Assistant Deputy Minister Paul Thompson           • TIAC continued to emphasize the problems encountered by Destination Marketing Organizations in accessing the new funding managed by Canada’s 6 Regional Development Agencies. • TIAC partners at Destination Canada have released new data on COVID-19 impacts to the tourism sector, and a new recovery outlook document           • These reports can be accessed on the Destination Canada research webpage


Government Announcements

• On May 22, a Cabinet meeting was held to determine if the House of Commons will return to regular sittings next week • The Prime Minister also hosted a call with provincial Premiers today to discuss how to safely reopen the economy, and the need to adjust to ‘a new normal’ • More federal resources were announced for COVID-19 contact tracing including interviewers from Statistics Canadare supported but balancing this with ensuring airlines are able to recover


In Case You Missed It …

• The TIAC Team has been busy working on materials for Tourism Week, which will be held from May 24-30, 2020           • TIAC has launched a microsite providing tools that businesses/organizations can use throughout tourism week – tourismmatters.ca           • TIAC will also be hosting virtual Tourism Town Halls in partnership with Destination Canada and some of their provincial partners – find out more and register here • Recently announced changes to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) mean more businesses – including sole proprietors – can access this support program, which provides interest-free loans of up to $40,000, of which 25% (up to $10,000) will be forgiven if the full sum is repaid by December 31, 2022           • TIAC encourages those who have not applied due to concerns over eligibility to consider approaching their financial institution to see if these new terms apply. They also want to hear from you if you encounter problems accessing this or other government programs. Your feedback is crucial to help TIAC advocacy efforts


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Pursuit in Banff, Alberta, who have launched an at-cost meal program called Easy Eats. The program launched in late April, and is feeding the community with meals every Friday as it faces high unemployment due to tourism shutdowns. Any additional money from meals or donations is being donated to Banff Food Rescue. You can find more information about this program here.

Thanks to Pursuit for showing leadership in your community.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 21, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• The TIAC Team has been busy working on materials for Tourism Week           • TIAC will be soon be launching a microsite full of tools your business/organization can use throughout tourism week – stay tuned for a special tourism week email tomorrow           • TIAC will also be hosting virtual Tourism Town Halls in partnership with some of their provincial partners – find out more and register here • TIAC’s President and CEO and held discussion with the Chair of Meetings Means Business and Business Events Canada to discuss recovery measures to support Canada’s business meetings and event sector


Government Announcements

• On May 21, the government is announcing $75 million in new funding for Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous peoples in urban centres and off reserve           • This additional funding will support community-based projects addressing the critical needs of the Indigenous population including food security, mental health support services, sanitation and protective equipment, transportation, educational materials and support for Elders • The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy has been extended until end of the summer           • For liquidity problems or expenses, businesses can receive a loan through the Canada Emergency Business Account           • If you are not eligible for these supports, the government recommends contacting your regional development agency who will be able to help navigate • In a comment on airline refund questions, the Prime Minister stated the government is working closely with airlines looking at what other countries have done, to make sure Canadians are supported but balancing this with ensuring airlines are able to recover


In Case You Missed It …

• Recently announced changes to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) mean more businesses – including sole proprietors – can access this support program, which gives small businesses interest-free loans of up to $40,000, of which 25% (up to $10,000) will be forgiven if the full sum is repaid by December 31, 2022           • TIAC encourages those who have not applied due to concerns over eligibility to consider approaching their financial institution to see if these new terms apply • Applications for the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) are now open           • To access funding through LEEFF, employers must have $300 million or more in annual revenues and must be seeking a loan over $60 million. The Canada Development Investment Corporation (CDEV) has created a new subsidiary, the Canada Enterprise Emergency Funding Corporation (CEEFC), to administer LEEFF in coordination with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and Finance Canada • Tourism SMEs can now apply for assistance funding through their regional economic development agencies through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program           • Details can be found here           • As this is a new program, TIAC urges members to contact TIAC and let them know if you are encountering difficulties accessing this new program. As reported earlier, TIAC is already in contact with government officials reporting on possible gaps. Your feedback and information is very important to help them advocate for changes


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is featuring Tiki Press based in Medicine Hat Alberta. Tiki Hat has launched an incredible and timely initiative for the community’s most at-risk food and beverage operators. The “Wish You Were Here” campaign has created a tangible way for locals to financially support their favourite local spots - even when closed - by buying a smartly branded t-shirt. 50% gross of every sale going directly to the local operator. The response has been overwhelming.

You can learn more about the initiative here.

Thanks to Jace from Tourism Medicine Hat for sharing this story with TIAC!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 19&20, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On May 20, TIAC’s Vice President Stakeholder Relations and Business Development participated in a call hosted by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, where he delivered remarks on the newly announced RRRF program • On May 19, the Prime Minister announced changes to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) which gives small businesses interest-free loans of up to $40,000, of which 25% (up to $10,000) will be forgiven if the full sum is repaid by December 31, 2022           • This announcement confirms that sole owner-operators, businesses relying on contracts, and those that are family owned and pay employees by dividends now qualify for the loan program           • TIAC hopes these changes will help many tourism businesses who have shared with them their struggles qualifying for CEBA and other programs due to these issues. TIAC encourages businesses who fall into these categories to talk to their financial institutions to access funding. And as always, they urge stakeholders who are encountering difficulty accessing the fund to share that information with TIAC as soon as possible • On May 19, TIAC’s President and CEO participated on a bi-weekly call with the Associate Deputy Minister of ISED where TIAC continued to report on early indications that many businesses may not qualify for the new RDA funds announced late last week, including not-for-profits and Destination Marketing Organizations. TIAC reiterated these concerns again on May 20 with Minister Joly’s office and will continue to work with government to fill gaps within this program • On May 20, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) hosted an interactive question and answer session for small and medium businesses on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). The session provided responses to general questions about the CEWS as well as resources needed to apply • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have launched a new Recovery Toolkit initiative for the Canadian tourism sector           • Please find more information visit tourismrecovery.ca and relancetourisme.ca.


Government Announcements

• On May 19, the Prime Minister announced additional measures that directly impact Canada’s tourism industry. The first, was that closure of the Canada/USA border will be extended by another 30 days           • The current agreement was to expire on May 21, and the extension means the border will be closed until June 21, 2020           • Under the closure, no leisure or tourism travel is permitted between the two countries. There has been no indication whether the border will remain closed beyond the June 21, 2020 extension • As mentioned above, the Prime Minister also announced the newly expanded eligibility for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) that provides interest-free loans of up to $40,000, of which 25% (up to $10,000) will be forgiven if the full sum is repaid by December 31, 2022           • The expanded eligibility criteria will now include sole owner-operators, businesses relying on contracts, and those that are family owned and pay employees by dividends. • On May 20, Minister of Finance Bill Morneau and Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Navdeep Bains announced that applications for the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) are now open. LEEFF is a program for Canada’s larger employers that need access to bridge financing beyond what is available via the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP)           • To access funding through LEEFF, employers must have $300 million or more in annual revenues and must be seeking a loan over $60 million. The Canada Development Investment Corporation (CDEV) has created a new subsidiary, the Canada Enterprise Emergency Funding Corporation (CEEFC), to administer LEEFF in coordination with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and Finance Canada • The Prime Minister also announced that the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program will be open for applications starting May 25 via the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s website. CECRA will provide forgivable loans to landlords that covers 50% of their tenants rent, with tenants covering 25% and landlords absorbing 25%


In Case You Missed It …

• This week’s State of the Industry report written by our partners at Twenty31 is now available on the TIAC website           • This weekly project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund funding • TIAC is also releasing a summary of the results from our DMO survey on the impact of COVID-19 on our local and regional marketing organizations           • TIAC thanks the over 175 participants from across the country who participated in this survey. These surveys are important for us to identify the gaps in support measures and better advocate to government on your behalf. • Tourism SMEs can now apply for assistance funding through their regional economic development agencies through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program.           • Details can be found here           • As this is a new program, we urge members to contact TIAC and let us know if you are encountering difficulties accessing this new program. As reported earlier, we are already in contact with government officials reporting on possible gaps. Your feedback and information is very important to help us advocate for changes.


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is featuring Sundog Retreat in Whitehorse, Yukon. Sundog Retreat has pivoted their business towards promoting “Staycations” for local community members. Staycations at their retreat are supporting their new greenhouse initiative, which– in collaboration with the Yukon Grain Farm, the Whitehorse Food Bank, Y2C2 youth, the Yukon College PIVOT program and some dedicated volunteers - will produce food for the White Horse Food Bank. They also hope to hire people for the summer to assist in greenhouse operations.

You can learn more, and donate to this initiative here

Thanks to TIA Yukon for passing along this story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 15, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President and CEO participated on a bi-weekly call with the Associate Deputy Minister of ISED where Minister Joly joined in to provide an update on new measures announced this week and to hear from key stakeholders on various issues           • TIAC thanked the Minister for her support in getting measures in place but also raised concerns that there remain gaps in the system for tourism businesses specifically           • TIAC also reported there are early indications that many businesses may not qualify for the new RDA funds announced this week                  > The Minister has asked that TIAC monitors and report back quickly on gaps as well as issues accessing the RDA funding • On May 15, the Prime Minister announced that the CEWS program will be extended a further three months, until the end of August, 2020           • This is something TIAC has been pushing for and provides good news for sector businesses who have been asking for the extension of this program through the summer, and start of the recovery period • This week’s State of the Industry report written by our partners at Twenty31 is now available on the TIAC website           • This weekly project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund funding • TIAC is also releasing a summary of the results from our DMO survey on the impact of COVID-19 on their local and regional marketing organizations           • TIAC thanks the over 175 participants from across the country who participated in this survey. These surveys are important for us to identify the gaps in support measures and better advocate to government on your behalf • TIAC is working with ISED and the Regional Economic Development Agencies to provide early feedback on the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program. As this is a new program, they urge members to contact TIAC and let them know if you are encountering difficulties accessing this new program


Government Announcements

• On May 15, the Prime Minister announced an extension of the Canada Emergency Wage subsidy program. The program was set to end on June 6th, but will now be accessible to qualified businesses until the end of August           • The government is also considering lowering the 30% threshold to allow more businesses to access the program – more details to come • A further $450 million in wage support was announced to support universities and health research institutes so they can retain researchers and labs during the shutdown


In Case You Missed It …

• Tourism SMEs and DMOs can now apply for assistance funding through their regional economic development agencies through the RRRF program           • Details can be found here ic.gc.ca           • As this is a new program, TIAC urges members to contact TIAC and let them know if you are encountering difficulties accessing this new program. As reported earlier, TIAC is already in contact with government officials reporting on possible gaps. Your feedback and information is very important to help us advocate for changes • Parks Canada announced there will be limited reopening of national parks, marine conservation areas and historic sites effective June 1, 2020           • Some trails, day use areas, green spaces and recreational boating are examples of permittable activities           • The gradual resumption of some key field-based ecological and cultural resource protection activities will also resume           • Camping will not be permitted until at least June 21, 2020


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is featuring Taste Detours in Wellington County, and their latest initiative - Little Bites: Taste from Isolation. This project features a variety of foodies in Wellington County who are releasing two recipes online per week to create a virtual recipe book.

The aim of the initiative is to show appreciation and support for members of the community’s local food scene who have been significantly affected by the pandemic.

Thank you to Lynn from Taste Detours for sharing your story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 14, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On May 14, Parks Canada announced that there will be limited reopening of national parks, marine conservation areas and historic sites effective June 1, 2020           • Some trails, day use areas, green spaces and recreational boating are examples of permittable activities           • The gradual resumption of some key field-based ecological and cultural resource protection activities will also resume           • Camping will not be permitted until at least June 21, 2020


Government Announcements

• On May 14, the Prime Minister announced $470 million to support Canada’s fish harvesters who are economically impacted but cannot access federal measures           • The government has launched the Fish Harvester Benefit – support will be provided to those who experience fishing income declines beyond 25%. This measure will cover 75% of losses, up to a maximum per individual equivalent to what is provided under the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • The Prime Minister also touched on the $306 million dedicated to provide interest free loans and non-repayable contributions to Indigenous businesses. There is also targeted support of up to $75M for students, and $10 million towards emergency shelters for those fleeing domestic violence • The partial reopening of Parks Canada spaces was also covered in the Prime Minister’s daily remarks


In Case You Missed It …

• Tourism SMEs and DMOs can now apply for assistance funding through their regional economic development agencies through the RRRF program           • Details can be found here ic.gc.ca           • As this is a new program, TIAC urge members to contact TIAC and let us know if you are encountering difficulties accessing this new program • The President & CEO participated in a COVID-19 webinar hosted by Destination Canada yesterday evening, alongside Minister Melanie Joly           • A recording can be found here destinationcanada.com


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can provide businesses and workers with information on what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC is following up on measures announced by British Columbia to limit gatherings of more than 50 people and seeking a coordinated approach between provinces in the recovery phase. TIAC has reached out to their provincial counterparts to work together in an effort to create an orderly recovery strategy that will address health concerns and support tourism businesses. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing a few tourism businesses submitted by Tourism Langley who reached out to them with a number of stories from their community.

Backyard Vineyards Donates Hand Sanitizer to the Fraser Valley Front Line Workers
During the month of April, Backyard Vineyards produced and donated nearly 2000 bottles of hand sanitizer to several Fraser Valley facilities including Langley Memorial Hospital, Langley Doctors and Royal Columbian Hospital.

Township 7 Vineyards & Winery Support, Sip & Ship Supporting BC Hospitality Foundation
During the months of March and April, Township 7 Vineyards & Winery donated $10 from every purchase of four bottles or more to the BC Hospitality Foundation and provided free shipping across Canada. At the end of April they donated a total of $5,000 to the BCHF.

Trading Post Brewing
Trading Post’s Brewmaster, Tony, and his wife, Artist Andy Brown, donated an incredible oil painting to support and thank front-line workers in the community. By making a donation online, customers were entered to win the painting. Every $10 donation was one entry, and Trading Post matched all donations. All money raised went towards buying, preparing and cooking food that was dropped off to local hospitals, fire halls and food banks in the community. $10 created 2 meals, and a total of 320 meals were donated to Front Line workers in the community.

Vista D’Oro “Farm Box” Supports BC Hospitality Foundation
Husband and wife team Patrick and Lee Murphy own Vista D’oro and The Preservatory. Patrick notes that they “realize we’re in a fortunate position during this extraordinary time, and we want to give even this small amount of support to the BC Hospitality Foundation, as we know it makes a significant impact in the lives of members of our food and beverage industry.” Lee adds that she and Patrick love what they do and felt they needed to help; she says she’s “happy to be supporting our farming community and neighbours.”

Thank you for sharing these stories!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 13, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On May 13, Canada’s six Canada’s Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) are now accepting applications under the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF). TIAC has long been advocating for financial support for small, seasonal, rural and other SMEs, including DMOs who have not been able to access existing government support measures           • The $1B in support will help to:                     > mitigate the financial pressure experienced by businesses and organizations to allow them to continue their operations, including paying their employees                     > support projects by businesses, organizations and communities to prepare now for a successful recovery           • More information on the fund and which RDA you apply to can be found here: ic.gc.ca • On May 13,  TIAC’s VP of Business Development and Stakeholder Relations participated in the Canada Employment Insurance Commission’s Business Liaison Group hosted by Judith Andrew, Commissioner (Employers) / Commissaire (Employeurs)           • This meeting focused on assisting association memberships in getting through the pandemic by evaluating what is working in employment support and what adjustments are needed and initiatives for potential for mutual support           • TIAC provided input on key needs for tourism employers and gaps in existing measures

In case you missed it …

• The President & CEO participated in a COVID-19 webinar hosted by Destination Canada on May 12, alongside Minister Melanie Joly
          • A recording can be found here destinationcanada.com
• The government extended access to the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to include larger, medium-sized enterprises; a program for large corporations was also launched – the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) which involves bridge financing for corporations facing liquidity challenges due to COVID-19
          • As there are few details on these programs, TIAC will provide details as information becomes available. See more information below under “Government Announcements”
• TIAC is releasing data collected from our April survey in coordination with McKinsey and Destination Canada
          • You can access this information here


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• On May 13, the Prime Minister announced that further details will be released for the previously announced Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) of nearly $1 billion. $675 million of this fund will be administered by the six regional development agencies, and will provide support to businesses in rural communities and those that may not qualify for other announced programs • Through the RRRF, support for tourism operators with needs like covering operational costs, access to liquidity, or to pay employees is available. Tourism operators that do not qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) or the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) are encouraged to apply. Members must contact their RDA to apply for funding • Students and recent grads will be able to apply for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit starting Friday, via the CRA website • Health Canada has announced that a new serological COVID-19 test is approved and available in Canada. This new test can detect antibodies for COVID-19 in an individual’s blood, and is an important step in understanding immunity against the virus and how it spreads


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Amos Pewter, a small business located in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Ames Pewter is keeping their community, customers, and potential visitors connected through a series called “At the Jeweler’s Bench”, where their artisans, from home, explain the tools, processes, and techniques that go into their designs. These episodes are available on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook - instagram.com.

Amos Pewter is also giving back to their community after the tragedy in Portapique, NS last month. Beginning April 21st, all of the proceeds from the Nova Scotia Crest Ornament and Nova Scotia Crest Necklace have been donated to the affected families. amospewter.com

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 12, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President & CEO participated in a regular call with Associate Deputy Minister of ISED, Paul Thompson, to discuss the state of the visitor economy and strategies to assist in the recovery phase of the COVID-19 crisis           • In particular, she emphasized the importance of a coordinated approach to re-opening the economy with the provinces and called upon government to help those efforts given recent announcements from the provinces            • She also enquired as to the status of $675M support through the Regional Development Agencies for small businesses. This program should roll-out shortly and we encourage industry stakeholders to register as soon as possible • The President & CEO will also will participate in the COVID-19 webinar hosted by Destination Canada tonight at 6:30pm EST, where the Honourable Minister Melanie Joly will make remarks and answer industry questions           • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website • As mentioned, TIAC is expecting the Canada’s Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to roll out soon. This initiative will be implemented by the six Regional Development Agencies across Canada and the network of Community Futures Development Corporations which are familiar with their regions' economic realities and are often the first point of contact for businesses at the local level           • The $1B in support will help to:                     > mitigate the financial pressure experienced by businesses and organizations to allow them to continue their operations, including paying their employees                     > support projects by businesses, organizations and communities to prepare now for a successful recovery           • Please sign up for program notifications with your RDA today • On May 12, TIAC is releasing data collected from our April survey in coordination with McKinsey and Destination Canada           • You can access this information here

In case you missed it …

• The government extended access to the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to include larger, medium-sized enterprises; a program for large corporations was also launched – the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) which involves bridge financing for corporations facing liquidity challenges due to COVID-19
          • As there are few details on these programs, TIAC will provide details as information becomes available. See more information below under “Government Announcements”


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• May 13th announcements focused on Canadian seniors. The government will be providing additional financial support of $2.5 billion for a one-time tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, with an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). The measure will give a total of $500 to individuals who are eligible to receive both the OAS and the GIS • The government is also investing an additional $20 million in the New Horizons for Seniors program to support offering community- based programs for isolated seniors to help their quality of life • Additionally, the government is temporarily extending GIS and Allowance payments if seniors’ 2019 income information has not been assessed


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing the Friends of Beaubears Island Inc., a non-profit, charitable organization in Miramichi, that has operated for 20 years with the vision of preserving, promoting and interpreting the historical and cultural significance of our two national historic sites: Boishebert National Historic Site of Canada and Beaubears Island Shipbuilding National Historic Site of Canada, J. Leonard O’Brien Memorial.

In consultation with Parks Canada, has started series of videos featuring various aspects of the historical sites. You can check out their innovative project on YouTube here.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 11, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President & CEO participated in an industry leader call organized by Air Canada on May 11 to talk about sector-wide advocacy and a call-to-action for all governments to support the tourism industry • The President & CEO will also participate in a call with provincial and territorial tourism associations and representatives of Meetings Mean Business Canada to discuss COVID-19 recovery measures announced by provinces and the need for consultation and collaboration with provincial governments to support the resumption of business events and meetings • On May 12, TIAC will participate in the COVID-19 webinar hosted by Destination Canada, where the Honourable Minister Melanie Joly will make remarks and answer industry questions           • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website • On May 11, the government extended access to the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to include larger, medium-sized enterprises; a program for large corporations was also launched – the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) which involves bridge financing for corporations facing liquidity challenges due to COVID-19           • As there are few details on these programs, TIAC will provide details as information becomes available. See more information below under “Government Announcements”

In case you missed it …

• TIAC partners at Destination Canada/Business Events Canada has published a report entitled “COVID 19 Impact and Recovery Report - Business Events” which you can access here


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• May 11th major announcement from the Government of Canada involves new business supports available for mid and large sized businesses: an expansion of the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) for mid-sized businesses that need more capital, and the creation of the new Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) • The expansion of the BCAP program will provide loans up to $60 million per company, and guarantees of up to $80 million           • Members who are interested in this program should contact their financial institutions • The LEEFF program will provide bridge financing for large employers with annual revenues of $300 million or higher           • To qualify, businesses must require access to funding in excess of $60 million, and must meet a number of conditions including a commitment to maintain Canadian jobs; respect collective agreements and pension obligations; provide reports on commitments to environmental sustainability and Canada’s climate change goals; full disclosure of finances to demonstrate solvency; and demonstrate that companies are not practicing tax avoidance           • There will also be restrictions on using these funds for dividend payouts and executive compensation


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Kingsbrae Garden in St. Andrew’s New Brunswick. Before the 2019 season, an unexpected fire nearly caused an early end to Kingsbrae Garden’s season, but they were able to rally community support and come back successfully. With the whole community facing challenges ahead of the 2020 season, Kingsbrae is giving back to their community and organizations facing significant challenges. They have been busy in the kitchen, cooking tasty dishes, and delivering food and cheer to many around St. Andrews.

Thank you to Chelsea from Kingsbrae for sharing your story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 8, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• One of TIAC’s primary advocacy asks has been the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). On May 7, the Prime Minister announced that this important measure will be extended past its original end date of June 6, 2020           • More details will be announced next week and at this time, additional information can be found below under “Government Announcements” • The President & CEO also participated in a standing phone call with ISED Associate Deputy Minister, Paul Thompson where she raised the need for immediate support to address liquidity needs and emphasized the importance of extending the Wage Subsidy program as a key component to help the travel economy • TIAC’s President & CEO and partners at the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) discussed strategic joint advocacy efforts to ensure further industry support from the government • The fourth edition of the Twenty31 industry dashboard on COVID-19 is now available on the TIAC website           • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund federal funding • TIAC partners at Destination Canada/Business Events Canada has published a report entitled “COVID 19 Impact and Recovery Report - Business Events” which you can access here

In case you missed it …

• TIAC has launched a survey for sector businesses on the effectiveness of the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to gather more information on what aspects of the program are working and not working for those trying to access funds. It is imperative that TIAC is able to share your experiences with Government officials.
          • If you have applied for BCAP funding, successfully or not, please fill out the survey here
          • This information is vital to successfully assist industry businesses in efforts to access liquidity during these trying times
• On May 12, Destination Canada will host another industry webinar featuring Minister Joly and Destination Canada Chair, Ben Cowan-Dewar. TIAC’s President and CEO will also participate on this call to provide an update on advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry.
          • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• On May 7, the Prime Minister announced an extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program beyond the month of June           • The government will provide up to $3 billion in support to increase the wages of low-income essential workers, and each province and territory will determine which workers will be eligible for support, and how much they will receive           • Details on the full extent of the extension are expected early next week • A new Industry Strategy Council was also announced by the Prime Minister, focussing on assessing the scope and depth of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on industries captured under the various Economic Strategy Tables – including tourism – and providing valuable private sector advice to the federal government. TIAC is delighted to see retail and transportation added as other important economic strategy tables           • The Council will be co-chaired by Minister Navdeep Bains and former Desjardins CEO Monique Leroux. Members will be announced in the near future           • TIAC will continue to monitor developments related to this Council and will report back on any additional information as it becomes available


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Fulton’s Pancake House & Sugar Bush and the Dairy Distillery in Mississippi Mills, Ontario. Three days after the Pancake House was forced into closure, bringing an abrupt end to the traditional maple season, Fulton’s received a call from Dairy Distillery to advise they wanted to share the profits of their Maple Cream liquor sales 50/50 with Fulton’s. With much gratitude Fulton’s accepted the generous cheque of $1500.00. Fulton’s always donates the contents of the “Pay It Forward Jar” (loose change donations from very generous customers) back to the community. This year, it was decided to complete the circle of giving and $225 was sent to Dairy Distillery to purchase hand sanitizer for front line workers at the Lanark County Paramedic Service.

Read the full story here.

Thank you to Sarah at Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization for sharing this example of community cooperation.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 7, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• On May 6, TIAC launched a survey for sector businesses on the effectiveness of the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to gather more information on what aspects of the program are working and not working for those trying to access funds. It is imperative that we be able to share your experiences with Government officials           • If you have applied for BCAP funding, successfully or not, please fill out the survey here           • This information is vital to successfully assist industry businesses in efforts to access liquidity during these trying times • Attention DMOs - CLOSING SOON! TIAC’s survey assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Destination Marketing Organizations will soon close. This data is very important in gauging how existing tools are being accessed and what more is needed to address the needs of Canada’s DMO operators           • TIAC invites all DMOs to fill out this survey and pass on to any DMO contacts you may have

In case you missed it …

•  On May 12, Destination Canada will host another industry webinar featuring Minister Joly and Destination Canada Chair, Ben Cowan-Dewar. TIAC’s President and CEO will also participate on this call to provide an update on advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry
          • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website
•  The Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Research at Ryerson University has embarked on a research study to look at the policy actions of Federal and Provincial governments in response to the COVID-19
          • In cooperation with TIAC and Provincial and Territorial Industry Associations, the research will analyse government policy initiatives, and how they impact tourism sector businesses


Resources for Businesses

• Go2HR has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for all types of sector businesses related to COVID-19 • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training • TIAC partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• On May 7, the Prime Minster announced the federal government has reached a cost sharing agreement with provinces and territories to give a wage boost to essential workers across the country           • The government will provide up to $3 billion in support to increase the wages of low-income essential workers, and each province and territory will determine which workers will be eligible for support, and how much they will receive • In response to COVID-19, 1350 Canadian Armed Forces will be in Quebec long-term care homes as of next week and 265 Canadian Armed Forces Members have been deployed in Ontario to long-term care homes, and 1200 Rangers have been deployed in the north


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing La Distillerie Rheault de Hearst, as one of the businesses using their facilities to create disinfectant hand sanitizers for their community and front-line workers.

Thank you to the Société Economique de L’Ontario for sharing this story with TIAC.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 6, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President and CEO spoke to Parks Canada President and CEO today to discuss COVID-19 measures and their impact on Park’s & sector businesses • The TIAC-led industry policy committee met again on May 6 to discuss a proposed recovery plan to submit to the government in the coming days           • This report and recommendations will be made available to the industry once work by the committee is completed           • TIAC would like to thank all industry participants for their feedback and hard work on this committee • This morning, TIAC launched a survey for sector businesses on the effectiveness of the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to gather more information on what aspects of the program are working and not working for those trying to access funds           • If you have applied for BCAP funding, successfully or not, please fill out the survey here           • This information is vital to successfully assist industry businesses in efforts to access liquidity during these trying times • On May 12, Destination Canada will host another industry webinar featuring Minister Joly. TIAC’s President and CEO will also participate on this call to provide an update on advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry           • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website destinationcanada.com

In case you missed it …

• TIAC launched a survey assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and gauging how existing tools are being accessed and what more is needed to address the needs of Canada’s DMO operators.
          • They invite all DMOs to fill out this survey to help inform our advocacy efforts as they represent you
• The Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Research at Ryerson University has embarked on a research study to look at the policy actions of Federal and Provincial governments in response to the COVID-19
          • In cooperation with TIAC and Provincial and Territorial Industry Associations, the research will analyse government policy initiatives, and how they impact tourism sector businesses


Resources for Businesses

• For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 ccohs.ca • Google for SMEs has also launched a page dedicated to supporting businesses during COVID-19 including practical steps and free digital skills training smallbusiness.withgoogle.com • Their partners at Tourism HR Canada have opened their Emerit courses and created a resource hub for sector businesses



Government Announcements

• There were no official federal government announcements related to COVID-19 on May 6


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is highlighting the Canadian Tulip Festival which will operate virtually this year between May 8-18. This year commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and the end of World War II. To keep the spirit of the festival alive and connected to the Ottawa community, the festival will be delivering bouquets of tulips each day of the festival as part of its Tulips of Thanks program.

Community residents can nominate frontline healthcare or essential service workers (first responders, retail employees, delivery personnel, etc.) in Canada’s Capital Region to receive the bouquets.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 5, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President & CEO participated in a regular phone call with the Associate Deputy Minister of ISED where she raised a number of issues           • A push for more details of industry specific aid and recovery funding for the tourism sector following two consecutive daily announcements by the Prime Minister that tourism sector specific relief is coming           • Difficulties for many tourism stakeholders to access existing programs, including small businesses, seasonal businesses and owner—operated businesses. It was re-emphasized that TIAC’s last survey showed that only one-third of tourism businesses are able to access any federally-announced programs to date           • A push to extend the wage subsidy program to September 20th as contemplated in Bill C-14 which established the program and beyond that well into recovery for tourism as the hardest hit industry           • Raised problems with the rent subsidy as many landlords are refusing to participate in the program • TIAC’s President and CEO had discussions with the Tourism Minister’s officials today outlining struggles of industry stakeholders to access existing programs, including the BCAP loan facility; the need to extend the wage subsidy; ensure better alignment with industry needs; and the need to ensure government support well into recovery for the most hard hit industry • On May 12, Destination Canada will host another industry webinar featuring Minister Joly. TIAC’s President and CEO will also participate on this call to provide an update on advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry           • Details can be found on the Destination Canada website destinationcanada.com • The Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Research at Ryerson University has embarked on a research study to look at the policy actions of Federal and Provincial governments in response to the COVID-19           • In cooperation with TIAC and Provincial and Territorial Industry Associations, the research will analyse government policy initiatives, and how they impacted tourism sector businesses           • TIAC is pleased to collaborate with Ryerson University on this project and hope that this research will shine a tourism lens on government policies and help inform government responses to any future crisis

In case you missed it …

• TIAC launched a survey assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and gauging how existing tools are being accessed and what more is needed to address the needs of Canada’s DMO operators 
          • They invite all DMOs to fill out this survey to assist in their advocacy efforts representing you
• For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 ccohs.ca
• Please note that on May 6, TIAC will be launching a survey of industry stakeholders to assess specifically your experiences in accessing the BCAP loan initiative. They understand that some stakeholders are having difficulty accessing this important program. It is imperative for TIAC to obtain detailed feedback on how existing programs are being received and whether industry is actually able to access these programs. Please stay tuned for this survey. TIAC appreciates that you are being asked to provide a large amount of information to us and other associations at this time, however, your feedback is instrumental in helping them advocate for changes and adjustments to existing programs. Please know that your feedback is vitally important!


Government Announcements

• On May 5, the Prime Minster acknowledged the hardships food producers and farmers are dealing with during COVID-19. The government is investing $252 million to help the agri-food industry • The government intends to work with all parties to increase credit line of Canadian Dairy Commission. Many farmers are dealing with an excess of animals and produced food with restaurants and hotels being closed           • The government is launching a surplus food program with a $50 million fund – the government will buy large quantities of products that may be going to waste and redistribute them to organizations addressing food security. This will ensure vulnerable Canadians have access to fresh food and farmers can still receive revenue           • The PM also reiterated that announcements to provide sector-specific relief for tourism are forthcoming although no announcements were made


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC is recognizing Hastings House Country House Hotel on Salt Spring Island, BC. Hastings House who are asking their small island community to nominate unsung local heroes working on the frontlines of the pandemic response. Nominations will be open for the entire month of May, after which they will select three people to receive a free night’s stay + dinner. They understand that so far, the response has been overwhelming.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 4, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President & CEO had phone calls with officials from the Minister of Finance’s office, as well as staff from the Minister of Small Business Export Promotion, and International Trade           • The CEO emphasized the importance of support for the tourism sector now and into recovery as the first hit, the hardest impacted and the industry that will experience the longest recovery           • In particular, she emphasized the importance of addressing liquidity measures to ensure tourism businesses are eligible and extending the wage subsidy well into recovery           • Gaps with existing measures were clearly identified, including small and seasonal businesses not qualifying for programs such as CEBA and the wage subsidy as well as the importance of supporting Destination Marketing Organizations as well as Meetings and Conventions           • The CEO also informed officials that TIAC had established an industry leaders COVID recovery committee working on a recovery package proposal for the entire industry • On May 4th, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced that sectoral specific support will be announced in the coming days           • VIDEO - (24:16-26:13)           • TIAC will update industry when details of support become available • For operators looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19 ccohs.ca • As of April 30, 2020, David Robinson has been named interim CEO of Destination Canada for a term of six months, or until such time as a new President is appointed           • TIAC congratulates David Robinson on his appointment and looks forward to continuing working with him and the entire Destination Canada team.

In case you missed it …

• TIAC launched a survey assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and gauging how existing tools are being accessed and what more is needed to address the needs of Canada’s DMO operators
          • TIAC invites all DMOs to fill out this survey to assist in their advocacy efforts representing you
• The latest State of the Industry weekly report from their partners at Twenty31 is now available on the TIAC website
          • These reports are made possible through Canadian Experience Fund funding


Government Announcements

• On May 4, the Prime Minister acknowledged that the tourism sector has been particularly hard hit by COVID-19 and sector support will follow in the coming days • The government has invested $240.5 million CAD to develop, expand and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians           • This investment will be used to create digital platforms and applications, improve access to virtual mental health supports and expand capacity to deliver health care virtually • Over the weekend, Canada joined other global leaders to launch the Coronavirus Global Response. This is an online pledging event that aims to raise more than $8 billion USD to help researchers and innovators develop solutions to test, treat and protect people, and prevent further spread of COVID-19           • The Prime Minister highlighted the government has announced investments of over $850 million CAD to support this fundraising target, including supporting accelerated vaccine investment, mobilizing research companies and creating strategies to tackle misinformation


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC wants to recognize Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites and Hotel Halifax/The Barrington Hotel for donating sheets in order to produce masks for Northwood. Each queen size sheet can make 50 - 60 liners for masks, helping many who are assisting on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.

Thank you to Hélène Moberg of Encore Canada for bringing this good news story to our attention.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

May 1, 2020:

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

• TIAC’s President & CEO participated in a bi-weekly call with the Associate Deputy Minister of ISED to continue discussions, among others, on policy gaps impacting the industry, including owner-operators and seasonal businesses, as well as the need for coordination for health and safety protocols during recovery • On May 1, TIAC is launching a survey assessing the impacts of COVID-19 and on Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) and gauging how existing tools are being accessed and what more is needed to address the needs of Canada’s DMO operations           • They invite all DMOs to fill out this survey to assist in our advocacy efforts representing you • The latest State of the Industry weekly report from our partners at Twenty31 is now available on the TIAC website           • These reports are made possible through Canadian Experience Fund funding

In case you missed it …

• TIAC’s State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 has been featured by Skift’s Rafat Ali as an example of good data and visualization of what tourism growth might look like post COVID-19
• Statistics Canada released results for the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions: Impact of COVID-19 on businesses
          • The results from 12,600 businesses highlight that Tourism businesses have been the most impacted across many sectors


Government Announcements

• On May 1, the Prime Minister congratulated Tiff Macklem as the next Bank of Canada governor. Tiff Macklem is the former senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, and currently the dean of the Rotman School of Management in Toronto. Macklem’s term begins June 3rd • The Canadian Emergency Student Benefit Act (CESB) is before the Senate for review. The CESB will provide support to students and new graduates who are not eligible for CERB or EI or are unable to work due to COVID-19


Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary, but can give businesses and workers an idea of what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. TIAC will continue to add links to provincial recovery plans as they become available:

New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
British Columbia


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC wants to recognize two industry members who are working to support their community Food Banks. Grizzli Winery in West Kelowna, British Columbia, and RBC Place in London, Ontario, are both working to help those in need in their communities. Until May 10th, Grizzli Winery is donating 20% of all their sales to the Central Okanagan Food Bank. Starting next Wednesday, the London Food Bank will be working with RBC Place London to get 100 bagged lunches to agencies still open, many of them inundated with requests for food from people living in tents or sleeping outside each night.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

April 30, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 has been featured by Skift’s Rafat Ali as an example of good data and visualization of what tourism growth might look like post COVID-19           • In case you missed the report – you can check it out here • Statistics Canada released results for the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions: Impact of COVID-19 on businesses           • The results from 12,600 businesses highlight that Tourism businesses have been the most impacted across many sectors • TIAC's VP of Stakeholder Relations and Business Development participated on a Canadian Chamber of Commerce call to discuss support for the tourism sector • TIAC bi-monthly TIAC Talk publication will resume distribution next week           • For those new to TIAC communications – this newsletter contains useful information and updates on the tourism sector at large, and not specific to COVID-19 updates           • For a preview, you can check out past TIAC Talk articles here

In case you missed it …

• TIAC partners at Destination Canada are publishing research on the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their website
• Employers can apply for the CEWS through the My Business Account or through the CRA’s online application portal, and their representatives can apply through Represent a Client
         • Please visit this info page for details


Government Announcements

• April 30th federal update by Prime Minister Trudeau focused on the Canadian military – primarily on the unfortunate accident of a Royal Canadian Navy helicopter crashing off the coast of Greece yesterday • On April 29, MPs met in a formal sitting of the House of Commons to pass a $9 billion aid package specially aimed at post-secondary and graduate students. Senate will sit Friday in order to pass the legislation • Minister of Economic Development, the Hon. Melanie Joly, appeared before the Industry Committee yesterday evening discussing the different measures the regional Economic Development Agencies of Canada have rolled out         • Opposition members pushed the Minister on tourism-specific funding; however, the Minister did not have any new details to share at the time


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC wants to recognize The Burrard Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, and their efforts to support their local St. Paul’s Hospital. Early last month, the organization that operates St. Paul’s approached The Burrard to form a partnership to provide safe, clean spaces for hospital staff to relax, shower, and recharge between shifts, or before heading home to their families. The hotel was quick to take on the call for assistance, and the resulting “Relax Rooms” allow frontline workers who come over to the Burrard to have access to a room for some privacy to take a nap, have a shower, watch TV or chat with friends in between shifts or before they return to their homes. theglobeandmail.com

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

April 29, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• This evening, Minister Joly will appear in front of the parliamentary Industry Committee (INDU)           • The session can be viewed live from 6:00 pm – 7:00pm EST here • On April 29, TIAC’s President and CEO joined a call with industry leaders to discuss tourism recovery measures           • While addressing current gaps in support for tourism businesses remains’ TIAC’s priority, they are working with leaders from the tourism industry to ensure they put a solid plan in place towards recovery for the industry as a whole           • More information on an industry recovery plan will be released when the final report is available • The President and CEO also had a call with the Hotels Association of Canada and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to discuss a coordinated approach to support the tourism sector • TIAC VP of Stakeholder Relations and Business Development participated in April 29th Meeting Means Business Canada board call to discuss how TIAC is supporting Business Meetings and Events, DMOs and all segments of our industry

In case you missed it …

• On April 28, TIAC’s President & CEO participated in the latest Destination Canada webinar
          • You can view the webinar recording here
• The latest State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 is now available to the industry
          • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund contributions


Government Announcements

• During April 29th press conference, the Prime Minister referenced the $9 billion dollar plan for students unveiled last week – the Canada Emergency Student Benefit           • This benefit will provide for $1250 a month to students during summer           • The government is also investing to create 76,000 additional jobs for students in those sectors that are actively contributing to the fight against COVID-19, in addition to jobs available through the Canada Summer Jobs Program           • There will be specific support outlined for First Nations, Inuit and Metis students. Scholarships, fellowships and grants will be extended – along with a doubling of student grants for low- and middle-income students in 2020-2021 • The government is working with opposition parties on legislation in the House of Commons, and will be introducing a bill today for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit • The government will also be improving the Canada Child Benefit in May to support parents. In addition, to support people with low income, the government will be increasing the GST credit. The Prime Minister reminded Canadians that they have until August 2020 to pay their income taxes • On April 28, the latest COVID-19 modelling was shared, showing that the curve has flattened in many parts of the country due to social distancing efforts


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

April 28, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President & CEO participated in Destination Canada’s latest COVID-19 public webinar where she highlighted TIAC’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry and reported on the COVID-19 Industry Leaders’ Recovery Committee work           • Details on the webinar can be found here: destinationcanada.com • The President and CEO also participated in a regular call with ISED’s Associate Deputy Minister discussing the state of the Industry • TIAC’s Vice-President of Policy and Stakeholder Relations participated on a weekly call with the Provincial and Territorial Industry Association (PTTIA) leaders, in an ongoing effort to support advocacy alignment and support for businesses across Canada • Tomorrow evening, Minister Joly will appear in front of the parliamentary Industry Committee (INDU)           • The session can be viewed live from 6:00 pm – 7:00pm EST here: parlvu.parl.gc.ca

In case you missed it …

• The latest State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 is now available to the industry.
          • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund contributions.
• Abacus Data released an interesting look at what new polling data suggests about tourism recovery, specifically in the domestic market


Government Announcements

• On April 28, the House of Commons convened for a special virtual sitting of the COVID-19 Special Committee comprised of all MPs          • The House of Commons will be formally recalled for Wednesday, April 29 at 2:30pm to pass legislation to enact additional COVID support measures, including support for students and potentially commercial rent relief • Health Minister Patty Hajdu and Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam will be releasing new COVID-19 modelling on where Canada stands now and what steps Canada will be able to take moving forward • The government will also be releasing a new framework agreed to by the federal government and provinces and territories on shared principles on restarting the economy          • This framework lays out what needs to happen before Canada can take next steps to re-open the economy, including having enough capacity to test and treat COVID-19, ensuring Canadians have access to equipment at work to keep people safe, and that hospitals are able to cope with all who need care, not just COVID-19 patients         • While this is a national framework, TIAC notes that different parts of the country will be at different stages of re-opening and these regional considerations will impact members differently


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

TIAC is sharing news from Wanuskewin Heritage Park, who this week is celebrating the birth of the first baby bison to be born on ancestral Wanuskewin land since before 1876. This historic moment is a “ray of hope” in these uncertain times. While it may be some time before visitors can be welcomed back to the Park, this showcases the significant importance of heritage and cultural spaces in Canada.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

April 27, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• On April 27, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, launched the application process for the CEWS.           • As of April 27, employers can apply for the CEWS through the My Business Account or through the CRA’s online application portal, and their representatives can apply through Represent a Client • Tomorrow, TIAC’s President & CEO will once again participate in a Destination Canada COVID-19 public webinar           • Details on the webinar can be found here • The OECD secretary general addressed an international roundtable of Tourism Ministers late last week, outlining the unprecedented crisis facing the global tourism economy           • You can access the full speech, which outlines some interesting statistics, here • Abacus Data released an interesting look at what new polling data suggests about tourism recovery, specifically in the domestic market

In case you missed it …

• The latest State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 is now available to the industry
          • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund contributions


Government Announcements

• On April 27, the Prime Minister announced that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) application portal is open           • Employers can now submit a claim through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To access the 75%, employers need to go online through canada.ca           • The CRA has partnered with financial institutions and Canadians are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit to get the money sooner • The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) eligibility rules have been broadened to include self-employed workers including those who pay themselves through dividends           • More details will come on student and seasonal worker programs           • Canadians can only claim the CERB or the CEWS – one or the other, not both • The first virtual session of Parliament will take place tomorrow, and be held in person on Wednesday. The government is moving forward and giving the provinces and territories the funding that they need to top up the wages of essential workers • Provinces and territories are also collaborating on shared guidelines for re-opening the economy once the time comes. All provinces and territories will move at different paces, but we need clear coordination from coast to coast to coast. No matter where you live, Canadians need to continue listening to the advice of Public Health Officials. Through our COVID-19 Committee of Leaders, TIAC is also putting strong recommendations forward for a coordinated approach across the country for recovery guidelines


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today TIAC wants to recognize Sun Peaks Community Helps (SPCH) – a group of volunteers including local café owners, residents and the local Mayor, who are fundraising to create a Community Food Cupboard – with over $42,000 raised so far, and a secured donation of retail space. SPCH is working closely with local food suppliers to bring food staples up to Sun Peaks on a regular basis and stocking the Community Food Cupboard with bakery, dairy, staples (pasta, soup) and some fresh fruit and veggies. A website has been created for community members in need, providing links to resources and support on every level from housing to mental wellbeing.

Thank you to Tourism Sun Peaks for sharing this story.

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca


April 24, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• On April 24, consistent with TIAC advocacy asks, the Prime Minister announced commercial rent relief measures for SMEs through the new Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses           • Details on the new program can be found below in “Government Announcements”           • TIAC understands that these measures may not meet the support needs of all tourism businesses. As such, it is important that we provide your feedback to government. Please send your comments to them directly at communications@tiac-aitc.ca • The latest State of Tourism in Canada during COVID-19 Dashboard report prepared by TIAC partners Twenty31 is now available to the industry           • This project is made possible through Canadian Experience Fund contributions • This evening, TIAC President and CEO will be speaking to her counterparts in Australia and the United States on advocacy efforts for recovery. TIAC continued work on recovery includes looking at international recovery programs already in progress in numerous countries. Their continued dialogue with their counterparts internationally are beneficial to TIAC’s advocacy efforts • The President & CEO participated in a regular call with ISED ADM Paul Thompson to discuss the state of the industry           • TIAC participated in the Business Liaison Group hosted by Judith Andrew, Commissioner (Employers) from the Canada Employment Insurance Commission to learn more about workforce government measures

In case you missed it …

• Tourism businesses have the opportunity to participate in a telephone townhall meeting hosted by the Official Opposition this weekend. Conservative Shadow Ministers for Tourism, Small Business, Rural Economic Development, and Associate Shadow Minister for Finance will be leading the call on Saturday, April 25 at 1pm EST/10am PST
          • This call provides an opportunity for the industry to share challenges being faced during this global health pandemic, and what gaps remain in government programs
          • To participate in the town hall, you must register. Please sign-up here: conservative.ca. You will receive a call on Saturday at 1pm EST/10am PST that will automatically connect you to the townhall
• Next week, TIAC’s President & CEO will once again participate in a Destination Canada COVID-19 public webinar
          • Details on the webinar can be found here destinationcanada.com



Government Announcements

• On April 24, the Prime Minister announced that an agreement has been reached with the provinces and territories regarding the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program           • The program will provide forgivable loans to qualifying commercial property owners to cover 50 per cent of three-monthly rent payments that are payable by eligible small business tenants who are experiencing financial hardship during April, May, and June 2020           • The loans will be forgiven if the mortgaged property owner agrees to reduce eligible small business tenants’ rent by at least 75 per cent for the three corresponding months under a rent forgiveness agreement, which will include a term not to evict the tenant while the agreement is in place. The small business tenant would cover the remainder, up to 25 per cent of the rent           • Impacted small business tenants are businesses paying less than $50,000 per month in rent and who have temporarily ceased operations or have experienced at least a 70 per cent drop in pre-COVID-19 revenues. This support will also be available to non-profit and charitable organizations • The Prime Minister will participate in a call with the provinces later today, where discussions will continue on gradual reopening of businesses after the crisis. As announced, COVID-19 has not hit each region the same way, and as such, responses will need to adjust to the realities in each province and territory


Your Feedback is Essential

TIAC would like to thank the over 800 industry businesses who participated in their latest survey, issued in coordination with Destination Canada and McKinsey & Company. Your contributions are invaluable and are being shared with Government decision-makers. Your comments and feedback will help assist in planning for recovery for the tourism sector.

While the survey is now closed, TIAC encourages you to continue to reach out and share your stories and information. TIAC continues to share your feedback with government regularly. Should you want to share this information by email or phone, we will include your feedback. Please contact:

Jennifer Taylor, VP Marketing and Member Relations
Email: jtaylor@tiac-aitc.ca


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC would like to celebrate a few organizations. Their partners at Explore Edmonton reached out to them to share their story about many Edmonton entrepreneurs making a difference by giving back to their community. Like TIAC, Explore Edmonton will recognize these contributions on an ongoing basis on their website. Translation and marketing firm, LAT Multilingual, also shared with TIAC their company’s transition to helping tourism businesses connect with the Chinese market to keep Canadian experiences and products top of mind to potential future travellers. Thank you to for sharing your stories!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? They want to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with TIAC at communications@tiac-aitc.ca

April 23, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO is participating in an industry webinar with Destination Canada and ISED today, to continue TIAC’s cooperative efforts to assist tourism businesses in these difficult times • The President & CEO also held a call with executives from airlines to discuss collaborative advocacy efforts • TIAC participated on a Canadian Chamber of Commerce tourism stakeholder call emphasizing the need for national associations to lead our sector’s COVID-19 policy work           • TIAC outlined our priorities in accessing immediate liquidity for tourism business, broadening wage subsidies, identifying and closing policy gaps for tourism businesses and our recovery planning. TIAC was clear that Canadian Chamber of Commerce participation must align with the policy priorities set by industry stakeholders. Now is not the time to disperse our energy and priorities • Next week, TIAC’s President & CEO will once again participate in a Destination Canada COVID-19 public webinar           • Details on the webinar can be found here: destinationcanada.com

In case you missed it …

• TIAC partners at Destination Canada have released their preliminary data on the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector: destinationcanada.com
• TIAC has recently been informed of the opportunity for tourism businesses to participate in a telephone townhall meeting hosted by the Official Opposition this weekend. Conservative Shadow Ministers for Tourism, Small Business, Rural Economic Development, and Associate Shadow Minister for Finance will be leading the call on Saturday, April 25 at 1pm EST/10am PST
          • Please note that TIAC advocacy work remains non-partisan - this townhall is an opportunity for stakeholders to share their messages on what support is required to help our sector recover
          • This will be a good opportunity for TIAC members to share the challenges they are facing during this global health pandemic, and what gaps remain in government programs
          • To participate in the town hall, please sign-up here: conservative.ca. You will receive a call on Saturday at 1pm EST/10am PST that will automatically connect you to the townhall



Government Announcements

• On April 223, the Prime Minister announced a $1.1 billion dollar medical and research strategy to fight COVID-19. This strategy has three pillars; research, supports for clinical trials, and expanding national testing and modelling • Under this plan, the government will be investing close to $115 million for research into vaccines and treatments being developed in hospitals and universities across the country, on top of the vaccine funding already committed           • $662 million will be dedicated to clinical trials led by Canada. A vaccination is the long-term solution to this crisis           • $350 million will go towards expanding national testing and modelling of COVID-19, including the creation of a COVID-19 immunity task force operating under the direction of a leadership group of top experts and scientists • The Prime Minister also acknowledged the terrible tragedies occurring in long term care facilities, and committed to solutions


TIAC Members: Making a difference

Thank you to the many TIAC Members who are helping during this difficult time. From those offering support like temporary housing for essential service providers, to others who brought home stranded Canadians from around the world. You are making a difference.

Today, TIAC would like to celebrate the Oak Bay Beach Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia. After realizing the gap between food service distributors and those struggling to order groceries from the comfort and safety of their own homes, The Oak Bay Beach Hotel began a new initiative to support their local community with an expansion of their delivery service. This is helping people of Victoria practice social distancing, and feel at ease in their homes. Thank you to The Oak Bay Beach Hotel for sharing your story!

Do you have a story to share about how tourism businesses are supporting communities during these challenging times? TIAC wants to hear from you whether you’re a TIAC member or not. We need to celebrate our industry and recognize your generosity during these trying times. Please share your stories with us at communications@tiac-aitc.ca.

April 22, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, was featured on April 22 in the Financial Post speaking on the plight of COVID-19 on the tourism sector, and what needs to be done for relief           • business.financialpost.com • TIAC’s President and CEO continued conversations April 22 with ISED and other government stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of liquidity for our industry and ensuring tourism businesses are able to access relief measures • TIAC has recently been informed of the opportunity for tourism businesses to participate in a telephone townhall meeting hosted by the Official Opposition this weekend. Conservative Shadow Ministers for Tourism, Small Business, Rural Economic Development, and Associate Shadow Minister for Finance will be leading the call on Saturday, April 25 at 1pm EST/10am PST           • Please note that TIAC advocacy work remains non-partisan, this townhall is an opportunity for stakeholders to share their messages on what support is required to help their sector recover           • This will be a good opportunity for TIAC members to share the challenges they are facing during this global health pandemic, and what gaps remain in the government programs • To participate in the town hall, please sign-up here: conservative.ca. You will receive a call on Saturday at 1pm EST/10am PST that will automatically connect you to the townhall

In case you missed it …

• TIAC partners at Destination Canada have released their preliminary data on the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector: destinationcanada.com
• The online application portal to access the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) will be available on Monday April 27th on the CRA website:
        • The majority of applications will be processed by May 5th with cash flowing to businesses shortly thereafter. TIAC will be sharing details on how to access the portal as soon as it is made available
        • An online calculator has been launched to help businesses determine their eligibility and how much they can claim through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
• TIAC continues to collect responses for our survey in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada to assess recovery measures to help the tourism sector when the COVID-19 crisis subsides. The survey closes on April 23, 2020
        • Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision- makers daily. Your continued participation and input are vital. Thank you to everyone who already participated. Please see the survey details & link below



Government Announcements

• On April 22, the Prime Minister announced $9 billion in funding to support students across the country. This program includes a new Canada Emergency Student Benefit that will provide $1,250/month to current post-secondary students, as well as those starting in September and those who graduated in December 2019 • Part of this funding also includes a commitment to create over 75,000 student jobs for struggling and frontline sectors         • TIAC will be looking into the details for the program to see if TIAC members can take advantage of these new job placements


Your Feedback is Essential

During these unprecedented times, TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. As they continue to advocate on behalf of the Tourism Industry, they must also turn our attention to recovery when it comes.

Last week, in partnership with Destination Canada, TIAC released a new survey that will gather current impacts as well as collect your feedback on recovery measures.

TIAC really need as many stakeholders as possible to take part in this survey as it will help them better understand your situation and advocate on your behalf so that together, they can build the road to recovery. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. For those who haven’t, please find the links to the survey below:

Survey links:

The survey will be open until April 23, 5:00 pm ET. TIAC welcomes and encourages you to share the survey with your tourism network. If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 21, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO continued conversations April 21 with various political stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of liquidity for our industry and ensuring tourism businesses are able to access relief measures • On April 21, the Prime Minister announced that the online application portal to access the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) will be available on Monday April 27th on the CRA website:           • The majority of applications will be processed by May 5th with cash flowing to businesses shortly thereafter. TIAC will be sharing details on how to access the portal as soon as it is made available           • An online calculator has been launched to help businesses determine their eligibility and how much they can claim through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • TIAC partners at Destination Canada have released their preliminary data on the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector destinationcanada.com

In case you missed it …

• As we start looking towards the travel and tourism sector’s path to recovery, TIAC partners at Twenty31 have developed a snapshot report of recent key global, regional and domestic tourism health and economic updates. The purpose of this report is to provide insights on a weekly basis of the current impact of COVID-19 on the travel and tourism industry
          • This research is made possible through TIAC’s Elevating Canadian Experiences program funded by the Government of Canada’s Canadian Experience Fund
• TIAC continues to collect responses for their survey in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada to assess recovery measures to help the tourism sector when the COVID-19 crisis subsides. The survey closes on April 23, 2020
          • Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision- makers daily. Your continued participation and input are vital. Thank you to everyone who already participated. Please see the survey details & link below


Government Announcements

• On April 21, the Prime Minister announced that the government will be launching a calculator on CRA’s website that will help businesses determine how much they can claim through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • As in the above update, The Prime Minister also announced that the CEWS portal will be open on CRA’s website as of Monday, April 27, and a majority of applications will be processed by May 5th with cash flowing to businesses shortly thereafter • The government also announced a $350 million emergency fund for community and non-profit organizations           • This money will go towards helping provide services to the most vulnerable, including seniors, the homeless, and people with disabilities           • A portion of the funds will be distributed directly to small independent organizations with the remainder flowing through national organizations like United Way and Red Cross



Your Feedback is Essential

During these unprecedented times, TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. As they continue to advocate on behalf of the Tourism Industry, they must also turn our attention to recovery when it comes.

Last week, in partnership with Destination Canada, TIAC released a new survey that will gather current impacts as well as collect your feedback on recovery measures.

TIAC really need as many stakeholders as possible to take part in this survey as it will help them better understand your situation and advocate on your behalf so that together, they can build the road to recovery. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. For those who haven’t, please find the links to the survey below:

Survey links:

The survey will be open until April 23, 5:00 pm ET. TIAC welcomes and encourages you to share the survey with your tourism network. If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 20, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO reported on industry feedback on relief measures April 20 on a regularly scheduled call with ISED Associate Deputy Minister, where she emphasized again that many stakeholders are reporting long waiting times to receive answers on relief measures • Further details are now available regarding last week’s announcement of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) funding:           • The Government of Canada has created a Regional Relief and Recovery Fund, a special initiative valued at $962 million dollars over two years, to mitigate financial pressures experienced by businesses and organizations to allow them to continue their operations, including paying their employees. The funds will also support projects to help businesses prepare for a successful post-COVID-19 recovery           • This Canada-wide initiative will be launched shortly, and will include two components:                         • $675 million to support regional economies: businesses and organizations, as well as communities in regions all across Canada                         • $287 million to support the national network of Community Futures Development Corporations, which could provide support specifically targeting critical businesses and organizations in rural communities across the country                         • As government works to roll out this important funding, TIAC will continue to keep you apprised of developments, details on how to apply and other information you need to know           • Meanwhile, please refer to this guide for contacting your RDAs • Over the weekend, Canada and the U.S. reached an agreement to keep current border restrictions in place for another 30 days • The Prime Minister also announced up to $306.8 million in funding to help small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses, including tourism businesses. The funding will allow for short-term, interest free loans through Aboriginal Financial Institutions which offer financing and business support services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis businesses • As we start looking towards the travel and tourism sector’s path to recovery, our partners at Twenty31 have developed a snapshot report of recent key global, regional and domestic tourism health and economic updates. The purpose of this report is to provide insights on a weekly basis of the current impact of COVID-19 on the travel and tourism industry           • Insights are based on the current state and future potential of key drivers of tourism recovery including the most important tourism channels – tour operators, airlines, travellers, source markets and tourism business operators and will be available on a weekly basis for the next 9 weeks           • This research is made possible through TIAC’s Elevating Canadian Experiences program funded by the Government of Canada’s Canadian Experience Fund • TIAC is delighted that nearly 500 tourism businesses have responded to their survey in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada to assess recovery measures to help the tourism sector when the COVID-19 crisis subsides           • Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision- makers daily. Your continued participation and input are vital. Thank you to everyone who already participated. Please see the survey details & link below


Government Announcements

• On April 20th, the Prime Minister recognized the lives lost in the Nova Scotia shooting. He also acknowledged the hard work of the RCMP across Canada. A virtual vigil will be held on Friday through Facebook to commemorate the victims • Parliament resumed today, April 20, with the House meeting in person. The Liberal government is proposing one in-person and two virtual sittings per week moving forward, however, an all-party consensus must be reached on this decision



Your Feedback is Essential

During these unprecedented times, TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. As they continue to advocate on behalf of the Tourism Industry, they must also turn our attention to recovery when it comes.

Last week, in partnership with Destination Canada, TIAC released a new survey that will gather current impacts as well as collect your feedback on recovery measures.

TIAC really need as many stakeholders as possible to take part in this survey as it will help them better understand your situation and advocate on your behalf so that together, they can build the road to recovery. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. For those who haven’t, please find the links to the survey below:

Survey links:

The survey will be open until April 23, 5:00 pm ET. TIAC welcomes and encourages you to share the survey with your tourism network. If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 17, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• The Government announced further funding measures for SMEs having trouble accessing funding to previously announced government programs           • Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and the Community Futures Network will receive $962M in government funds to assist small businesses           • Please find a guide for contacting your RDAs found in the links here           • If you are a member in the arts, cultural or sports sectors, $500M is being provided through Heritage Canada for income and liquidity support for individuals and organizations. While details are yet to come, TIAC supports their partners in these sectors who are part of the tourism family • TIAC President and CEO, Charlotte Bell continues to advocate for this sector emphasizing that it was the first one hit, the hardest hit and requires industry-specific support with liquidity being the most important tool to support tourism from relief through to recovery. While April 17th announcement did not specifically address our industry as a whole, conversations continue with the Minister’s office, the Associate Deputy Minister of ISED, and other government officials on the need for immediate measures to support tourism which contributes substantially to the economy and labour in this country • TIAC was very happy to see that as of this morning over 250 tourism businesses had responded to our survey in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada to assess recovery measures to help the tourism sector when the COVID-19 crisis subsides           • Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision- makers daily. Your continued participation and input are vital. Thank you to everyone who already participated. Please see the survey details & link below


Government Announcements

• On April 17, the Prime Minister announced additional supports for workers in the oil and gas sector, the arts and sports sectors, and for rural small businesses • These announcements include over $2 billion to create and maintain jobs in the energy sector, including funds to clean up wells and help companies invest in technology to reduce pollution. There is also increased access to liquidity for medium sized businesses in the energy sector • For small businesses who do not have traditional relationships with financial institutions, such as smaller rural tourism operators, $962 million will be made available to regional development agencies and Community Futures Canada networks           • TIAC will provide more details on qualifying criteria and how to access these funds once it becomes available • The government is providing $500 million to the arts and sports sectors, for Canadians in this industry who don’t qualify for announced wage supports • The Minister of Heritage announced that federal Canada Day celebrations traditionally held in Ottawa will be offered virtually this year



Your Feedback is Essential

During these unprecedent times, TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. As they continue to advocate on behalf of the Tourism Industry, they must also turn our attention to recovery when it comes.

Today, in partnership with Destination Canada, TIAC is releasing a new survey that will gather current impacts as well as collect your feedback on recovery measures.

They would appreciate you taking part in this survey that will help us better understand your situation and, together, help build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

The survey will be open until April 23, 5:00 pm ET. TIAC welcomes and encourages you to share the survey with your tourism network. If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 16, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• On April 16, in line with TIAC advocacy efforts for more federal assistance for TIAC's sector’s businesses, the Government announced some improvements to loan accessibility:           • They have expanded the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) to businesses that paid between $20,000 and $1.5 million in total payroll in 2019. This new range will replace the previous range between $50,000 and $1 million, and will help address the challenges faced by some small businesses to cover non-deferrable operating costs           • While details are not yet available, the Government announced its intent to introduce the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program for small businesses. The program will seek to provide loans, including forgivable loans, to commercial property owners who in turn will lower or forgo the rent of small businesses for the months of April (retroactive), May, and June. Implementation of the program will require a partnership between the federal government and provincial and territorial governments. TIAC looks forward to more details on how this measure will be accessible to our members in the coming days • Please also find below some helpful information from government concerning support measures in place: • Whether you are self-employed, a small business owner, or an entrepreneur – you shouldn’t have to worry about having to lose your business or your job. To get the help you need:           • Visit our government’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan website for information about supporting your employees and your business. It is constantly updated as the COVID-19 crisis evolves           • Contact your local financial institution. Since they know most small businesses have a relationship with their local financial institution already, TIAC has worked with the financial sector to increase their lending capability to support you in in this challenging time. They are a good first place to start for help           • Consult the Canadian Business Resilience Network and Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s pandemic preparedness guide to help prepare you business in the days and weeks to come • Tourism businesses still unable to access CEWS funding may still be eligible for the originally announced 10% wage subsidy, which has much broader criteria and no specific application process. While TIAC hopes to see CEWS criteria further broadened, or more industry specific support soon, this may be a good opportunity for some businesses           • Details on the subsidy can be found here • TIAC has been collaborating with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada on a survey assessing recovery mesasures to help the tourism sector when the COVID-19 crisis subsides           • Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision- makers daily. Your continued participation and input is vital. Please see the survey details & link below



Government Announcements

• The Prime Minister reiterated changes to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) announced April 15, providing $2,000 a month to people who are unable to earn a living due to the virus           • The government is relaxing eligibility criteria on this, and restated that seasonal workers or those earning less than $1,000 per month are now eligible           • Further, The government is working with provinces and territories to top up wages of essential workers who earn less than $2,500 a month • Updates have been made to the Canada Emergancy Business Account (CEBA) to allow more businesses to fit the criteria. The government has both increased and decreased the eligibility thresholds           • Businesses who spent between $20,000 and $1.5 million in payroll in 2019 are now eligible for CEBA loans to help address the challenges faced by small businesses to cover non-deferrable operating costs           • Reach out to your financial institution to gain access to this program • The government also announced its intent to introduce the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses • The program will seek to provide loans, including forgivable loans, to commercial property owners who in turn will lower or forgo the rent of small businesses for the months of April (retroactive), May, and June



Your Feedback is Essential

During these unprecedent times, TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. As they continue to advocate on behalf of the Tourism Industry, they must also turn our attention to recovery when it comes.

On April 16, in partnership with Destination Canada, they are releasing a new survey that will gather current impacts as well as collect your feedback on recovery measures.

They would appreciate you taking part in this survey that will help them better understand your situation and, together, help build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

The survey will be open until April 23, 5:00 pm ET. TIAC welcomes and encourages you to share the survey with your tourism network. If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 15, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, discussed the industry’s need for measures that meet the tourism industry’s needs last night with Minister Joly, including ensuring that seasonal businesses qualify for important support measures, as well as the urgent need for liquidity and rent support for the industry • The President and CEO also participated this afternoon in further consultations with ISED Associate Deputy Minister Paul Thompson and other public service representatives on the state of the industry • On April 15, Parks Canada announced that camping, group activities, and events in Canada’s national parks will be suspended until at least May 31, 2020: English; French • The Government of Canada has released new information on adding measures for more flexibility for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). Please find the details here: English; French • Tourism businesses still unable to access CEWS funding may still be eligible for the originally announced 10% wage subsidy, which has much broader criteria and no specific application process. While TIAC continues to advocate for broadening of CEWS criteria to meet tourism industry needs, as well as more industry-specific support soon, this may be an opportunity for some businesses immediately           • Details on the subsidy can be found here • TIAC is working with McKinsey & Company and Destination Canada on developing a survey to gauge recovery measures to help the tourism sector rebound when the COVID-19 crisis subsides. Please watch for a link to this survey in the coming days • TIAC would like to thank industry participants for your ongoing contributions to their industry impact survey. Please know that each entry is captured and reported to government officials and decision-makers daily. Your comments help TIAC advocate on your behalf. Continued participation is vital. If you have not already submitted a survey response, please see the survey link: English; French


Government Announcements

• The Prime Minister announced additional help for Canadians including topping up the pay of essential workers and expanding the Canada Emergency Response Benefit for those receiving some income, those that have run out of EI recently, and seasonal workers           • The government is relaxing the criteria to allow more Canadians to qualify           • If you had a reduction in hours and earn $1,000 a month or less, you now qualify for the CERB           • Workers who have run out of EI benefits recently, or those now losing seasonal work opportunities, will also be able to receive the benefit • The Prime Minister will discuss with provinces what government can do to support seniors living in long-term care facilities and nursing homes           • Measures considered will include working with the provinces to increase the pay of the essential workers earning less than $2,500 a month – the same applying to long term facility workers • This week, the government is launching a new portal that will bring together mental health resources – ca.portal.gs



Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. For those already in place, they are thankful for what is already done but also recognize that there are significant gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day they hear of more challenges from members who cannot access these programs. That’s why your feedback is so important. The federal Government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks. TIAC continues to work for you.

In the meantime, TIAC needs to continue to hear from you; tell them of the specific impacts on your business and your experience in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions as well as the new wage subsidy.

TIAC would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and, together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 14, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated in his daily press briefing on April 14 hat specific support for the tourism sector, including airlines will be announced this week. This may include rent support and greater access to the Canada Emergency Business Account. TIAC continues to advocate for specific measures for those hardest hit during the pandemic. Your comments and stories are invaluable to our advocacy efforts in ensuring that measures meet our industry’s needs. While TIAC does not yet have details on the forthcoming announcements, TIAC will share this information with the industry as soon as they are announced. Prime Minister Trudeau’s statement today can be viewed here: English; French • TIAC President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, continues to participate in discussions on the current state of the Tourism industry with Government and stakeholders:           • On Monday April 14, Charlotte participated in a regular industry call with ISED Assistant Deputy Minister Paul Thompson on the state of the industry           • On April 14, she continued discussions with Minister Joly’s office as well as McKinsey Research and the Canadian Craft Brewer’s association among others to obtain input and feedback • TIAC participated in the Business Liaison Group call hosted by Judith Andrew the Commissioner (Employers) of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission to discuss program gaps and to gain clarity on criteria related to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • On Monday, members of the Conservative Party called on the Government to create support measures specific to the tourism and hospitality industry due to impacts of COVID-19. The proposal includes suggestions to:           • Temporarily allow owner-operators to qualify for the federal wage subsidy program           • Refunding a year’s worth of GST remittances to small businesses • Statistics Canada is asking Canadians to share details of how COVID-19 is impacting their lives. The survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete and will help Government identify the implications of COVID-19 in our daily lives: English; French • The Government of Canada has released new information on adding measures for more flexibility for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS): English; French • To build on the ongoing feedback we are getting from members through our survey and direct communications, and TIAC is also analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help them inform their requests for meaningful relief measures and recommendations to Government. As such, TIAC will be reaching out to members who can provide additional input. Please see the survey link below


Government Announcements

• On April 14, the Prime Minister announced that relief for especially hard-hit sectors – including tourism, including airlines – is coming soon. He noted that the Government’s initial focus was on ensuring support for Canadians and businesses regardless of sector, but recognizes that some sectors have been harder hit than others. He has indicated that more announcements will come in the coming days • The Prime Minister also announced $130 million to help support northern communities and businesses in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut           • Part of this funding includes money for CanNor to support small businesses access additional funding for support not covered by other programs • The Prime Minister also announced that as of midnight tonight, asymptomatic travellers arriving in Canada who do not have a reasonably acceptable quarantine plan will also be required to quarantine in hotels • Finally, the Prime Minister announced that Canada has a total of 1.1 million N-95 masks, and millions of gloves ready to be delivered to provinces. There will also be a substantial supply of Canada-made gowns delivered on Monday. There will also be additional testing kits supplied to provinces


Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

TIAC has been at the forefront of recommending various financial stimulus and support programs from the Federal Government. For those already in place, they are thankful for what is already done but also recognize that there are significant gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day they hear of more challenges from members who cannot access these programs. That’s why your feedback is so important. The federal Government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks. TIAC continues to work for you.

In the meantime, TIAC needs to continue to hear from you; tell them of the specific impacts on your business and your experience in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions as well as the new wage subsidy.

TIAC would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and, together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 9, 2020:


TIAC’s Work

• Last night, TIAC’s President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, presented to the Parliamentary Finance Committee (FINA), where she spoke passionately about the need to ensure current measures, while helpful, must be accessible to those hardest hit - businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector. She also emphasized the need for immediate access to liquidity. TIAC's President and CEO also addressed the need to first and foremost, address relief and quickly turn attention on recovery focused on the long-term sustainability of the industry, as tourism will be among those industries who will need time to fully recover from the COVID-19 crisis           • Charlotte’s full statement can be found here. TIAC will share the official transcripts as soon as they become available • TIAC’s President and CEO and Chair, David McKenna have launched an industry-led, COVID-19 recovery working group to help inform a set of recommendations for a federal tourism stimulus package that will ensure liquidity, support a wide range of sector businesses, promote domestic and inbound travel, and help the return of millions of workers back into their jobs. This group is chaired by TIAC’s Board Chair, David McKenna, President of the Banff Jasper Collection by Pursuit who proudly leads this group of industry leaders, who will consult with their peers across the country:           • Charlotte Bell, President and CEO, TIAC           • Steve Sammut, President and CEO, Rocky Mountaineer           • Cathy Duke, CEO, Destination St. John's           • Andrew Lind, Chief Operating Officer, Muskoka Language International           • Don Cleary, President of Marriott Hotels of Canada           • Robert Mercure, President and CEO, Palais des congrès de Montréal           • Nancy Stibbard, Owner and CEO, Capilano Group           • Paul Nursey, President and CEO, Destination Greater Victoria           • Cathy Pugh, General Manager, Fredericton Convention Centre           • Ian Clark, Chief Financial Officer, Greater Toronto Airports Authority           • Teresa Ryder, Director of Business Development, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada           • David Mounteer President and CEO, Jonview Canada           • Johanne Bélanger, Vice-President, Field Marketing U.S. and Canada, Marriott International           • Mike McNaney, President and CEO, National Airlines Council of Canada • Statistics Canada is asking Canadians to share details of how COVID-19 is impacting their lives. The survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete, and will help the government identify the implactions of COVID-19 in our daily lives: English; French • The government of Canada has released new information on adding measures for more flexibility for the Canada Emergancy Wage Subsidy (CEWS): English; French • To build on the ongoing feedback TIAC is getting from members through the survey and direct communications, they are also analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help TIAC inform their relief requests and recommendations to Government. As such, they will be reaching out to members that can provide additional input. Please see the survey link below


Government Announcements

• On April 9th, the Prime Minister reiterated the importance of continuing to practice social distancing, especially with the upcoming long weekend and start of spring weather • Over 4.5 million Canadians have already been approved for the CERB, and the government is working with the opposition on passing legislation to finalize the CEWS. Discussions continue on the best way to hold meetings, whether virtually or physically • The Prime Minister reiterated that we can expect to see the end of the first wave of the pandemic over the summer, with smaller waves to follow this           • Scenarios are between 4,000 and 44,000 deaths depending on individual actions, including social distancing. 94% of Canada’s cases are in four provinces, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta • The country has received millions more masks this week to help protect our frontline workers • There are now 19,774 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, with 461 deaths


Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

While we appreciate the various financial stimulus and support programs the Federal Government has put in place, TIAC recognizes there are gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day another unique tourism industry specific challenge comes to light. The federal government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, TIAC wants to hear from you; specific impacts on your business and experiences in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions.

They would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 8, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, will be presenting to the Parliamentary Finance Committee (FINA) later today. This committee studies and reports on all matters relating to the management and operation of federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Finance, and conducts consultations with selected industry experts. Her opening remarks will focus on the industry’s need for immediate access to liquidity, access to programs already announced, and the need for a comprehensive recovery plan • The Government of Canada further expanded the wage subsidy program (CEWS) on April 8, as well as new funding to support hiring students during the summer through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Further details can be found in the Government Announcements update below • Tourism Vancouver Island announced yesterday that they will support nearly 3,500 tourism businesses on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and the Sunshine Coast affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the launch of the Vancouver Island Coastal Tourism Resiliency Program. TIAC applauds these efforts, and the innovative ideas to support the resiliency of Canadian tourism businesses           • An introductory webinar will be hosted Thursday, April 9, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. PST and participants can sign-up at victrp.ca           • Find more details here (INSERT LINK TO PDF) • Member of Parliament for Central Nova, Sean Fraser, has created a COVID-19 benefits tool for Canadians to find out what government support they qualify for - SeanFraserMP.ca • To build on the ongoing feedback we are getting from members through the survey and direct communications, TIAC is also analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help them inform their relief requests and recommendations to Government. As such, TIAC will be reaching out to members that can provide additional input. Please see the survey link below


Government Announcements

• On April 8, the government discussed pending changes to the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program. The Prime Minister also recognized the barrier to receiving these supports for businesses           • The government has relaxed the qualification metrics, with businesses now needing to prove a 15% decline in revenues as opposed to the original 30% and can choose to use January and February as a reference point as opposed to March to show this loss           • Charities and not for profits can choose to include or exclude any government funding when showcasing loss year over year • Significant changes were made to the Canada Summer Jobs program to help students. The government will now give a subsidy of up to 100% to cover the cost of hiring students and extend the time for job placement until the winter           • Businesses will also be able to hire students on a part-time basis for those that have had to scale back operations • The government is calling on the opposition parties to join and get this legislation passed. Cabinet will be meeting this afternoon to discuss the upcoming reconvening of Parliament • The Prime Minister reiterated the importance of following WHO guidelines and social distancing, even more so over the upcoming holiday weekend • There are now 18,447 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, with 401 deaths


Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

While we appreciate the various financial stimulus and support programs the Federal Government has put in place, TIAC recognizes there are gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day another unique tourism industry specific challenge comes to light. The federal government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, TIAC wants to hear from you; specific impacts on your business and experiences in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions.

They would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 7, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, is preparing for tomorrow’s appearance at the Parliamentary Finance Committee (FINA). This committee studies and reports on all matters relating to the management and operation of federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Finance, and conducts consultations with selected industry experts. This appearance will provide TIAC the opportunity to discuss the sector’s immediate and desperate need for liquidity measures that work for Tourism businesses and Associations across Canada           • The meeting will take place Wednesday April 8 from 4:00-6:00pm EST and discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector           • Other sector organizations, including Tourism HR Canada, Northwest Territories Tourism, Hotels Association of Canada and Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada will also be present • Internationally, TIAC continues to review government measures in other countries to support tourism sectors through recovery. Japan has recently announced a trillion Yen aid package to support their tourism economy by incentivizing travel. TIAC will continue to inform government of best practices to enhance our tourism sector’s recovery - The Japan News • Member of Parliament for Central Nova, Sean Fraser, has created a COVID-19 benefits tool for Canadians to find out what government support they qualify for - SeanFraserMP.ca • To build on the ongoing feedback we are getting from members through the survey and direct communications, TIAC are also analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help them inform their relief requests and recommendations to Government, as such, TIAC will be reaching out to members that can provide additional input. Please see the survey link below


Government Announcements

• On April 7, the Prime Minister confirmed that last night, draft legislation for the wage subsidy was shared with the opposition parties. The Prime Minister noted that government has been working to refine the CEWS based on feedback, and more details will be announced soon • The Prime Minister is thanking Canadians for helping fight COVID-19, including the more than 5,000 Canadian companies who have innovated and shifted to produce, manufacture, and deliver key medical supplies           • Canada is working with groups to produce and deliver 30,000 ventilators in Canada, and is working to develop a ventilator that is easier to make • The Government of Canada continues to purchase masks, and is expecting a shipment of over 500,000 N-95 masks in the coming days • As of April 7, there are 17,063 cases of COVID and 345 deaths


Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

While we appreciate the various financial stimulus and support programs the Federal Government has put in place, TIAC recognizes there are gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day another unique tourism industry specific challenge comes to light. The federal government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, TIAC wants to hear from you; specific impacts on your business and experiences in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions.

They would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 6, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC’s President and CEO, Charlotte Bell, has been invited to speak to the Parliamentary Finance Committee (FINA) on Wednesday April 8 from 4:00-6:00 pm EST to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector • To build on the ongoing feedback TIAC is getting from members through the survey and direct communications, they are also analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help them inform their relief requests and recommendations to Government, as such, TIAC will be reaching out to members that can provide additional input. Please see the survey link below • A recording is available of last week’s webinar, where TIAC’s President and CEO joined Minister Joly and Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chair of the Destination Canada Board, for the second COVID-19 webinar organized by Destination Canada, click here Second COVID-19 Webinar • A new analysis of global policies related to COVID-19 was released by the OECD today, and can be viewed online: oecd.org • Government of Canada and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce established the Canadian Business Resilience Network to help Canadian businesses navigate the COVID-19 reality and prepare for recovery. They are also partnering with Stats Canada on a national survey – goal to measure the impact on business, from a national perspective canadianbusinessresiliencenetwork.ca


Government Announcements

• On April 6, the Prime Minister announced that additional supports are being looked at for Canadians who do not qualify for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), including those who are still working but are receiving less than the monthly benefit through CERB ($2,000); those working 10 hours a week or less; and students who were planning to work over the summer but will no longer have the option – a situation that the tourism industry is very familiar with • This news comes on the day that applications to CERB are officially open. Those with a birthday in January, February or March can apply today and any Monday, and those with birthdates in other months can apply through the rest of the week (April, May, June birthdays apply on Tuesdays; July, August, September birthdays apply on Wednesdays; October, November, December birthdays apply on Thursdays; anyone can apply between Friday and Sunday). The link for applications can be found here • The Prime Minister also announced that the government is drafting legislation and working with the other parties to recall Parliament to enact the 75% Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program – a much needed relief for tourism operators and businesses across Canada • As of April 6, there are 15,822 cases of COVID-19 and 293 deaths in Canada


Your Feedback is Essential

These are difficult times but we will get through this by working together.

While we appreciate the various financial stimulus and support programs the Federal Government has put in place, TIAC recognizes there are gaps. These are unprecedented times; every day another unique tourism industry specific challenge comes to light. The federal government has promised more programs and solutions in the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, TIAC wants to hear from you; specific impacts on your business and experiences in accessing programs such as short-term loans through BDC, EDC and other financial institutions.

They would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and together, build the road to recovery.

Survey links:

If you would prefer to share this information by phone, please contact:

Jennifer Taylor
VP Marketing and Member Relations

April 3, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• TIAC has continued to collect feedback from the industry on the impact of COVID 19 and recent government relief measures to address the crisis. TIAC continues to share this information with government officials. Your feedback is invaluable to them and they encourage members to continue to provide this information. On April 3 TIAC, Restaurants Canada and the Hotels Association of Canada reached out again to government officials thanking government for speed and innovation in putting new measures into place to address the impact of COVID-19. The coalition also reinforced the fact that our industry is facing an immediate liquidity crisis that requires urgent measures to ensure that businesses can access support to stay afloat during this crisis and until the situation becomes more stable. TIAC also continues to seek additional clarification concerning the newly-announced wage subsidy as some of the criteria suggests it may not be available to some members. TIAC understands that more information is forthcoming in the next few days. Please bear with them as they continue to work through this and communicate your concerns to decision-makers


Government Announcements

• On April 3, the government announced new supports for food banks and local food organizations to help provide food to people and communities most vulnerable during this difficult time. The government announced $100 million to improve access to food, including indigenous and northern communities • Distribution of critical equipment to provinces and territories continues to be crucial. The government has been working closely with industries to make sure Canadian workers have the supplies they need, and has reached an agreement with Amazon Canada to manage the distribution of this equipment to provinces and territories • The Prime Minister confirmed that Canadian armed forces have been sent to Northern Quebec, in order to help isolated and remote communities. Rangers are instructed to provide assistance with tasks such as setting up tents and medical infrastructure • The Prime Minister also reiterated his message to Canadians to stay home, and reminded Canadians that the Emergency Measures Act can be enacted and mandate Canadians to stay home, while at this time, enforcement measures are being left with the provinces • The government is working with major banks to deliver benefits through direct deposit – it is recommended that Canadians visit their bank websites for instructions on how to enroll for direct deposit. In addition to the CERB • On April 2, Canada’s first Minsters discussed data sharing and projections. Many more people are being tested across the country, and provinces and territories are consistently updating their information and working towards verifying the latest figures to put online. Visit Canada.ca/coronavirus for more information • The government also continues to work with the United States to ensure trade continues to flow for essential products and services, including personal protective equipment
April 2, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• Building on the ongoing feedback we are receiving from members through TIAC's survey and direct communications, we are analyzing and segmenting priority topics that help them inform their relief requests and recommendations to Government, as such, they will be reaching out to members that can provide additional input on the following topics:           • Liquidity           • Wage subsidies           • Tax deferrals           • EI • On April 2, TIAC took part on a Canadian CEO webinar organized by Destinations International; the online event provided a platform for TIAC to update participants on the advocacy work being done on behalf of Canadian tourism businesses • A recording is available from yesterday’s webinar, where TIAC’s President and CEO joined Minister Joly and Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chair of the Destination Canada Board, for the second COVID-19 webinar organized by Destination Canada, see link here: April 1 2020 Webinar


Government Announcements

• On April 2, the Prime Minister noted that Canada’s response to COVID-19 is the largest civic mobilization that Canada has seen since World War II
• He also reiterated his message to Canadians to stay home, and reminded Canadians that the Emergency Measures Act can be enacted to mandate Canadians to stay home. However, the enforcement measures are being left with the provinces for the time being
• Coordination between the federal government and the provinces continues to ensure they are receiving the necessary personal protection equipment. The Prime Minister will be chairing a First Ministers call this evening on this and other COVID-related subjects. 10 million masks have arrived over the last few days and are being distributed across the country
• While the government is not sharing any modeling or projections with the public at this time, concerns have been raised that some Canadians may not qualify for the CERB and this issue may worsen the longer physical distancing measures remain in place. The government is reviewing additional options for those who need support but do not qualify for EI or the CERB
• Canada also surpassed 10,000 cases of COVID for the first time today, with over 125 deaths

April 1, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• As TIAC continues to provide information on the latest measures being put into place by government, TIAC also want to hear from you and how this crisis is impacting your business specifically. This in turn allows them to provide real-time specific feedback to Government and help in the crafting of existing and future measures • TIAC are extremely thankful to everyone who has already provided input to them during these difficult times. They appreciate the challenges you are facing and the limited availability on your time, but please know that your comments, feedback and input support our advocacy efforts every single day, as they provide information to government on how this crisis is impacting our sector and what more needs to be done • At this time, they would appreciate you taking part in a quick survey that will help them better understand your situation and together, build the road to recovery           • Survey Links: English; French           • Should you prefer to talk so someone instead, please contact: Jennifer Taylor, VP Marketing              and Member Relations, tel: 902-698-0984, email: jtaylor@tiac-aitc.ca • Also on April, TIAC’s President and CEO joined Minister Joly and Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chair of the Destination Canada Board, during a special COVID-19 webinar organized by Destination Canada. If you were unable to attend, a recording of that meeting will be available in the next few days • TIAC is pleased to share that our partners at Tourism HR Canada (THRC), are offering a variety of frontline, supervisory, and managerial online training modules free of charge. These modules can assist with ongoing training needs, as well as provide those whose jobs have been adversely affected by COVID-19, the opportunity to up-skill or cross-train. We encourage you to explore this opportunity through the link below: emerit.ca • As this crisis evolves, TIAC is exploring partnerships with educational organisations to help develop a national project focused on tracking industry and Government crisis management measures and responses. The crisis plan could help provide guidelines and best practices for industry and Government facing similar crises in the future. Please stay tuned for more information


Government Announcements

• Today, the Prime Minister announced that Parliament will be recalled once again for an emergency sitting to pass additional measures that were announced Friday, including the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. The government is working with opposition parties to determine the date for the emergency sitting • The government also announced that Canadians can register for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit online as of April 6 at: canada.ca. In order to help prevent overload of the system, the government is asking Canadians to apply for the benefit based on birthdate. This means those born in the first three months of the year (January, February, March) should apply on April 6, those born in the next three months (April, May, June) should apply on April 7th, and so on. While this measure will not impact when Canadians receive the benefits, it will significantly help the system manage the number of claims coming in concurrently • Finally, Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Minister of Small Business and International Trade Mary Ng, and Minister of Industry, Science and Innovation Navdeep Bains announced further details of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • At this time, we can report that the CEWS will subsidize 75% on the first $58,700 of salaries for qualifying businesses from March to May. To qualify, businesses will have to show a 30% decline in revenues compared to the previous year in 2019 on a monthly basis. In other words, applicants will need to apply for March, April and May separately. • The CEWS will be applicable to businesses, including non-profits and charities. This includes cafés, restaurants and bars • Businesses will be able to apply via an online portal on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website in as little as 3 weeks’ time. As this new measure has just been announced, TIAC will continue to work with government officials to work through logistics and ensure our members have accurate and timely information • Backgrounders English, French
March 31, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• On March 31st, TIAC welcomed news that the government is implementing a key recommendation from the Canadian Airports Council, supported by TIAC in its letter to Minister Morneau, dated March 16: government will be waiving rents for a number of airport authorities across the country. The announcement will apply to 21 airport authorities, with comparable treatment for PortsToronto (operator of Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport), from March until December 2020. This is expected to represent savings of $330 million. We are pleased to see action being taken by government to provide much needed relief to Canadian airports • Originally announced yesterday by the Prime Minister, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) will subsidize 75% of the first $58,700 of salaries for qualifying businesses from March 15 until June 15. While few details are known at this time, the PM stated that to qualify, businesses will have to show a 30% decline in revenue due to COVID-19 • On March 31st, TIAC has been anticipating more details concerning the CEWS announced yesterday in an expected press conference with Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade Mary Ng. At this time, no announcements have been made. TIAC continues to carefully monitor information related to this announcement as it is critical for the industry to understand the mechanics of this important support instrument and how it may impact their businesses. TIAC will provide more details as soon as they become available


Government Announcements

• Government waiving rent for several airport authorities across the country • 21 airport authorities will receive rent relief:           • St. John’s International Airport Authority           • Gander International Airport Authority Inc.           • Halifax International Airport Authority           • Charlottetown Airport Authority Inc.           • Saint John Airport Inc.           • Greater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc.           • Fredericton International Airport Authority           • Aéroport de Québec Inc.           • Aéroports de Montréal           • Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Authority           • Greater Toronto Airports Authority           • Greater London International Airports Authority           • Thunder Bay International Airports Inc.           • Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc.           • Regina Airport Authority           • Saskatoon Airport Authority           • Edmonton Regional Airports Authority           • Calgary Airport Authority           • Prince George Airport Authority Inc.           • Vancouver International Airport Authority           • Victoria Airport Authority • As mentioned above, relief will also be provided to PortsToronto (operators of the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport) who pays an annual charge to Transport Canada based on the revenues it earns under the terms of its letters patent • On March 31st, the Prime Minister also announced a $2 billion package to Canadian companies shifting operations to manufacturing much-needed medical equipment, including ventilators, personal protective equipment, medical apparel, and other tools to help the medical community do their job more effectively
March 30, 2020:


TIAC’s Work

• TIAC continues to work with government officials in the Ministers of Finance and Economic Development offices to ensure that tourism businesses are covered by the 75% wage subsidy announced on Friday (with more detail today from the Prime Minister), as well as other measures addressing credit through the CERB and other credit facilities. We understand that more information is forthcoming in announcements tomorrow and we continue to advocate for tourism businesses to access these programs and funds • More details on the 75% wage subsidy can be found below in “government announcements” • After a consistent lobby effort led by TIAC, we can now confirm that the June 30th date on the Public Health Agency of Canada website in reference to border closures has been removed. TIAC will continue to monitor inbound travel restrictions, and inform industry of any changes that may impact future business • TIAC also thanks all members who sent letters to their respective MPs for support through our joint letter-writing campaign over the weekend. Our combined efforts have resulted in thousands of letters sent to Members of Parliament across Canada asking for their support during this difficult time • TIAC’s President will join Minister Joly on April 1st, 2020 on the second COVID-19 webinar organized by Destination Canada, to join: destinationcanada.com • TIAC is supporting Meetings Means Business Canada, as they promote Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) going virtual this year. The event is an international forum for advocacy, awareness and celebration for the meetings & events industry, with details below:           • Date14, 2020           • Time: Starting at 9am PDT/12pm EDT/1pm ADT           • Registration link: gmidgoesvirtual.com • TIAC understands that rent relief is important for tourism businesses during this time. Following discussions with TIAC and industry stakeholders, Parks Canada has announced that it will work with tourism operators in national parks, historic sites, and marine conservation areas to defer payments on commercial leases and licenses of occupation without interest until September 2020 • Further details can be found at canada.ca


Government Announcements

• On March 30th, the Prime Minister announced details regarding what businesses will qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • The Prime Minister announced that qualifying businesses will be required to show a decline of 30% in revenue due to COVID-19 and there will be no limits on employee numbers. Also, not-for-profit and charity organizations will be eligible. TIAC continues to ask for clarity on eligibility and mechanisms that will be put into place to operationalize this program • The CEWS will cover 75% of wages up to the first $58,700 of income, totalling $847/week. This subsidy will be backdated to March 15 • The Prime Minister warned businesses that there will be serious consequences for those who attempt to cheat the system, and that businesses will be expected to top up the remaining 25% and re-hire staff wherever possible • TIAC will have further details to share tomorrow, after the Minister of Finances announces further details • These measures are in addition to Friday’s announcements concerning GST/HST deferrals, increased liquidity access through BDC and EDC, and the Canada Emergency Business Account • Please note that TIAC continues to communicate regularly with government officials to obtain more information and detail on these new measures as we know this information is vital for our members and the industry at large
March 27, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• March 27th official announcements “to help small businesses keep more employees on payroll” represent a significant win for the industry, with new measures responding in large part, to the ongoing push TIAC has been making to Government seeking support for our members. We also launched a joint campaign with our partners at Restaurants Canada and Hotel Association of Canada over the past few days to gather as many industry signatures as possible to support our proposal to Minister Morneau. As of today we have collected; 4,358 signatures on the petition and 1,851 letters were sent to MPs • March 27th announcements are a win for our industry as we continue to weigh in with the Minister’s office on details and in determining what constitutes a “qualifying business” • As TIAC continues to work with the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Finance on concrete relief measures, we will ensure the interests of all tourism businesses, including associations and indigenous businesses are taken into consideration and lead to broad access to the programs announced


Government Announcements

• On March 27, the Prime Minister announced significant new measures that will help small businesses keep more employees on their payroll • Specifically, the Prime Minister announced that the Government of Canada will now cover 75% of wages for qualifying businesses, up from the previously announced 10%. This will be backdated to March 15, and more information on which businesses qualify and how to apply is expected to come by Monday • The Prime Minister also announced a new Canada Emergency Business Account that will see banks offering $40,000 loans guaranteed by the government to qualifying businesses. Loans under the Canada Emergency Business Account will be interest-free for the first year, and will also see $10,000 of the loan forgiven if certain conditions are met. Again, more details are expected Monday • The Prime Minister also announced that the Government of Canada is providing an additional $12.5 billion to Export Development Canada and the Business Development Bank of Canada to help SMEs with cashflow requirements • Finally, the Prime Minister also announced that businesses will be able to defer GST and HST payments until June • Related links: pm.gc.ca and canada.ca


Workforce Support Measures: Frequently Asked Questions

Download document • Please note that:         • this document is temporary, additional information will follow next week         • all final versions of related document are kept by Tourism HR Canada         • tourismhr.ca


OECD Policy Note: Summary–predictions on impact of COVID-19 on the global tourism economy

• On March 27, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a comprehensive report looking at the estimated global impact to international tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report outlines key figures showcasing the considerable impact industry all across the globe • The report estimates that “even when tourism supply chains start to function again, demand-side recovery will take some time” • The full report, including an analysis of international policies to provide tourism industry relief, and a sector-by-sector look at these global implications, can be found here • Report link
March 26, 2020:

TIAC’s Work

• The letter writing campaign launched yesterday by TIAC, The Hotel Association of Canada and Restaurants Canada got off to an impressive start. Members and industry acted immediately on the request to; support the petition to Minister Morneau for immediate relief, as well as use the Push Politics tool to send letters to MPs seeking tangible support for tourism • As of early afternoon today, 2114 signatures on the petition to Minister Morneau have been collected and 1253 letters sent to MPs


Additionally, TIAC’s ongoing communications with key officials and stakeholders this week include:
• ISED, Ministers Morneau and Joly’s offices, The Bank of Canada, Meeting Mean Business, Tourism HR Canada, Destination Canada research groups and the Provincial and Territorial Industry Associations


Government Announcements

• COVID-19 Emergency Response Act received Royal Assent yesterday. The new benefit combines the Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit into the ‘Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)’ which will provide $2,000 a month for four months to people who are off of work without an income as a result of this virus • A warning went out to Canadians that there is a fake text message some are receiving about the benefit – the government confirmed that the official website is the only place with reliable information • The Finance Minister has had direct conversations with Canadian banks about credit card interest rates, urging them to take action • It was reaffirmed today that is now be a legal obligation for anyone entering Canada to quarantine for 14 days – essential workers crossing the border are excluded from this obligation. This mandatory isolation is under the ‘Quarantine Act’. If Canadians do not comply, they face serious fines and even prison time. Potential spot checks will be put in place. The maximum penalty is $750,000 and/or 6 months jail time – this can be worse if you are found to have jeopardized someone’s life • Kirsten Hillman has been appointed as Canada’s Ambassador to the United States. She was instrumental in CUSMA negotiations and recently worked to on the temporary border agreement reached last week between Canada and the United States • The government is in close contact with international partners ensuring that the World Health Organization and Public Health Agencies have the resources they need



COVID update from the EI Commissioner (Employers) -- CERB, EI and EI Work-sharing

Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
*The new CERB, as indicated by the Minister’s Office

• The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will be replacing the previously announced Emergency Care and Emergency Support Benefits and will provide temporary income support to workers who are without employment or self-employment income for reasons related to COVID-19
• The CERB will be available to workers residing in Canada, who are at least 15 years old, and who:
• Have earned at least $5,000 in 2019 or in the year prior to their application from any of a combination of the following sources: employment, self employment, Employment Insurance maternity and parental benefits, and/or similar benefits paid in Quebec under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP); and
• Are without employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days in a four-week period, for reasons related to COVID-19, including if they have temporarily stopped working, lost their job, are sick or in quarantine, or need to care for a child or a family member
• Both EI and non-EI eligible individuals will be able to access this new Benefit. The new Benefit will provide a flat amount of $2,000 a month, paid in four week installments for up to 16 weeks. This Benefit is available until October 3, 2020 and retroactive to March 15th, 2020
• Workers will be able to apply online for the CERB starting in April of 2020. As more details are available on the roll out of the CERB we will be sure to keep you up to date


Employment Insurance (EI)
Commissioners have been briefed/consulted on how the government proposes to modify the EI system to cope with the already over a million claims in the EI system, in order to dovetail with the CERB.

The idea around the modifications is that individuals—EI eligible-- who have filed EI benefits applications should not have to abandon their claims in order to take up the CERB, which will be administered through CRA.

For EI purposes (not CERB), it remains important that EI Records of Employment (ROEs) for employees are correctly filled for the circumstances (e.g. quarantine/sickness, shortage of work).

See reference bulletins from the Canadian Payroll Association here payroll.ca


EI Work-Sharing (WS)
EI Work-sharing –has been vastly streamlined to expedite approvals and get the WS plans up and running.

Information available on the following link: canada.ca


New on the WS page is an external enquiry unit as part of the services offered to support employers and workers understand the Program.

• Service Canada has created a bilingual enquiry unit for employers affected by COVID-19 that are seeking information related to the Work-Sharing Program. Enquiries can be sent to the mailbox below for specific Work-Sharing information or to request general information about the Program: EDSC.DGOP.TP.REP-RES.WS.POB.ESDC@servicecanada.gc.ca


On March 27, the Prime Minister announced several positive measures to help Canadian businesses in the face of the COVID-19 health crisis. First and foremost, we are pleased that the federal government is responding to measures put forward in our joint proposal with Restaurants Canada and the Hotel Association of Canada over the past week and following our many discussions with government officials and politicians calling for immediate action. Our key recommendations were included in the announcement with some modifications. The measures include deferred GST/HST payments until June, increased liquidity access and a 75% wage subsidy. While more details are forthcoming on Monday and next week, it is important to note that these measures are on par with relief packages from other countries.

While we continue to work together through the details of these announcements with TIAC partners over the weekend, at this time, the measures as announced mean the following for tourism businesses:


Deferred GST & HST payments, duties and taxes on imports until June 2020

• A measure equivalent of providing up to $30 billion in interest-free loans to Canadian businesses • Deferred payments to allow businesses to have more liquidity on hand to survive the financial impact of COVID-19


Canada Emergency Business Account

• Banks will offer $40,000 loans, guaranteed by the government to qualifying small businesses and loans will be interest-free for the first year. Qualifying businesses must have payrolls of less than $1 million • Full loan repayment by December 31, 2022, will result in a 25% loan forgiveness up to $10,000 • Loans will be available through eligible financial institutions and will be fully guaranteed and funded by the Government of Canada


Increased Wage Subsidy to 75% for qualifying businesses

• The government’s previously announced wage subsidy of 10% will be replaced by a wage subsidy of 75%, helping tourism businesses keep employees on payroll and position the industry for recovery once this health crisis is over • Eligibility criteria will start with the impact of COVID-19 on sales. Further details regarding eligibility will be shared by the government shortly • This subsidy will be available to small and medium businesses for up to three months and retroactive until March 15, 2020, allowing tourism businesses to potentially re-hire laid off staff


New Access to Credit through Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program

• The government announced $12.5 billion of additional support and access to credit through EDC and BDC to help small and medium-sized enterprises with cashflow requirements through the new Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program • Businesses can apply for a guaranteed loan through their banking institution to access this additional financial support • Loans of up to $6.25 million will be made available to small and medium-sized businesses in Canada directly through their financial institutions
March 25, 2020:


Government Announcements

• The House of Commons passed an emergency bill, C-13, COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, early this morning which is now before the Senate. This is hoped to pass through the Senate today, and will allow the government to support Canadians immediately. The Health and Finance committee will be convening virtually on a regular basis moving forward to discuss the government’s progress • The government is merging two previously announced employment insurance benefits for Canadians who are out of or off of work due to COVID-19 • The new benefit combines the Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit into the ‘Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)’, which will provide $2,000 a month for four months to people who are off of work without an income as a result of this virus. This includes those who have lost their job, contractors, self-employed, those who are sick, in quarantine or taking care of children or seniors. All employees of a business, including the owner, are eligible • This will aim to simplify the process – online portal applications will be available soon, and Canadians will be able to receive the benefit within 10 days of applying. The government is hoping to have this initiative in place by April 6th • It was announced today that it will now be a legal obligation, as of midnight tonight, for anyone entering Canada to quarantine for 14 days – essential workers crossing the border are excluded from this obligation. This mandatory isolation is under the ‘Quarantine Act’ • Nearly one million people applied for EI in the last week, and 1,300 people have been added to Service Canada to respond to this demand. 143,000 claims have been processed since March 16th • Canada has been testing approximately 10,000 people per day, and is getting the latest modelling from PHAC today, exploring the best way to share with Canadians. As of March 25, there are 2,792 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, with 27 total deaths • Canada is looking to other countries for successful models for the next phase of support, including Denmark and Germany


March 24, 2020
• Parliamentarians returned to Ottawa for an emergency House of Commons sitting to pass legislation to enact support measures for Canadians and businesses impacted by COVID-19. • Information about what support is available to both individuals and businesses impacted by COVID-19 is available below. • The provinces of Ontario and Quebec were the latest provinces to declare states of emergency, with the mandated shutdown of all non-essential businesses. Lists of essential businesses per province are:           • Ontario           • Quebec


Government of Canada Programs for Businesses

Useful Links
• Visit the Canadian government website for businesses for information about supporting your employees and your business. It will be constantly updated as the COVID-19 crisis evolves. • Download the Canada Business App to find tailored supports to address your specific needs and questions about COVID-19. • Consult the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s pandemic preparedness guide to help prepare your business in the days and weeks to come. • To help provide some stability for businesses through this time of uncertainty, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) is lowering the Domestic Stability Buffer requirement, releasing more than $300 billion of additional lending capacity for Canadian financial institutions. Contact your bank. • COVID-19 Small Business Help Centre, Canadian Federation of Independent Business • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Employment and Social Development CanadaCan you supply products and services in support of Canada’s response to COVID-19


Changes to the Canada Account
• The government is making changes to the Canada Account so that the Minister of Finance would now be able to determine the limit of the Canada Account in order to deal with exceptional circumstances • The Canada Account is used to support export transactions which the EDC is unable to support, but which are determined by the Minister for International Trade to be in Canada's national interest • This will allow the government to provide additional support to Canadian companies through loans, guarantees or insurance policies


Payroll Support
• Eligible small employers (payroll of <$1 million) are granted a temporary wage subsidy equal to 10% of renumeration paid for a period of three months up to a maximum subsidy of $1,375 per employee and $25,000 per employer • Businesses will be able to benefit immediately from this support by reducing their remittances of income tax withheld on their employees’ remuneration. (No application necessary) • Enhancing the Work-Sharing Program by expanding eligibility for EI benefits to workers who voluntarily reduce their working hours


Filing Business Taxes
• The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will allow all businesses to defer payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after March 18, until after August 31, 2020 • This applies to tax balances due, as well as instalments, under Part I of the Income Tax Act • No interest or penalties will accumulate on these amounts during this period • The CRA will not contact any small or medium enterprise (SME) to initiate any post assessment GST/HST or Income Tax audits for the next four weeks • Traditionally available in-person, the Liaison Officer service is now available over the phone


Ensuring Businesses Access to Credit
• Increase credit available to farmers through Farm Credit Canada. Sign up for FCC Online Services


More Information
• The Canada and the US border is closed to all non-essential travel (recreation and tourism), travel for trade and work purposes will not be impacted • Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association has confirmed that commercial truckers with group insurance coverage will continue to have coverage for emergency out-of-country medical expenses as they bring goods across the US-Canada border


Business Development Bank (BDC) and Export Development Canada (EDC) Programs

In response to the financial hardship experienced by Canadians and Canadian businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Government of Canada has established the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) to further support financing the private sector through the Business Development Bank (BDC) and Export Development Canada (EDC). These measures are effective March 18, 2020 for qualified businesses.

Details regarding BCAP, including specific industry support, is expected within the coming days. Businesses seeking support through BCAP should first contact their financial institutions for an assessment of their situation. Qualifying businesses will be referred by their financial institutions to BDC and EDC if their needs extend beyond what is available through the private sector alone.


BDC Measures
The BDC supports SMEs of all industries and the measures in response to COVID-19 are:

• Working capital loans of up $2million with flexible terms and payment postponements for up to 6 months
• Postponement of payment for up to 6 months, free of charge, for existing BDC clients with total BDC loan commitment of $1million or less
• Reduced rates on new eligible loans


EDC Measures
• Specific details on financial support are expected within the coming days. The EDC urges its clients to contact an EDC trade advisor for support • Email: tradeadvisor-conseiller@edc.ca • Phone: 1-888-220-0047 between 9a.m. and 5p.m. • Or submitting an inquiry online


Additional Resources for COVID-19
Resources for Canadian businesses
Jul 21, 2021

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